Kicking Ass and Taking Names: Sarah POV

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It took me forever to write this chapter, and i apologies for the length. I just didn't have the energy to split it up into more chapters. Anywhoo, comment, vote, pleaaaaaaaase pretty please? -SAROX42


So, I was a Daughter of Poseidon. Cool. Well, at first it was a bit awkward. Everybody stared at me, and I did not like that at all. I didn't get attention all that much, but since I was the first actual Daughter of Poseidon in the camp, I was sort of famous. I hated being famous. But I was excited about one thing: Percy was my half-brother.

"I knew it!" Percy shouted when Jace told him about the beach. Personally, I thought they were all crazy for dragging me up here away from the Sound. "You're a Daughter of Poseidon! He [I learned later this was our Father] told me someone was coming!" I was learning that Percy was a bit excitable. "Annabeth! Annabeth! Guess what!? Sarah is my half-sister!" Annabeth, as it turned out, didn't really care. She stalked in towing a small, dark-haired boy behind her.

He planted his feet firmly on the ground and screamed, "NO, MOMMY! COOKIES!" He then pointed a chubby baby finger in the direction of what I assumed was cookies.

"Finn!" Annabeth groaned, brushing hair out of her eyes.

"Come on buddy, you've had four!" Percy said reaching out for him.

"NO." the boy shouted. No seemed to be his favorite word, besides cookies. Then, he laid down on the floor of the Big House, yelling for more cookies.

"Control your son!" Annabeth demanded at Percy.

"Why is he my son at this exact moment?"

"Because he wants cookies!"

"I want cookies! Am I my own son?!"

"He's your son?" I asked puzzled. Annabeth and Percy stopped arguing about cookies.

"Yes," Percy huffed, "that's my son, Finn. And this is my wife, Annabeth."

"Oh, I knew that," I said waving my hand, "I could tell by the way you argue." Jace snickered behind me. Percy and Annabeth both gave us a weird look. [Jace says it was because our super-awesome-newfound-friendship was giving off a visible light.] Finn was still in need of cookies.

"How old is he?" I asked.

"Finn?" Percy asked. "He's only two, but he's so smart, just like his mother." Percy eyed Annabeth, flattering her.

"And he never listens just like his father." Annabeth told him.

Percy looked affronted. "Hey, I listen! ...What were we talking about?"

Annabeth ignored him. "Terrible twos," she muttered, "I never thought that they would be this terrible." She scooped up the squirming toddler.

"COOKIES!" he bellowed.

"How about a nice Pegasus ride?" I suggested to him. His eyes got big and round.

"DADDY! PONIES!" Cookies were forgotten. Percy gave me a thankful smile and took Finn from Annabeth. They were out the door before I could say goodbye.

"Okay, I guess I'm showing you around." she said to me. "Jace, don't you have wrestling with Clarissa and the rest of Ares cabin?"

Jace nodded sullenly. "All she does is sit on me!"

"Hah!" I whispered to him.

"Shut up." he muttered back.

Annabeth sighed, "Just hit her with some lightning."

The Next Generation: A Percy Jackson Kane Chronicles Crossover EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now