My Week with the Haters: Eva POV

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I can't believe, out of all the people in Brooklyn House, Felix chose Bleu. He chose Bleu! Chose the one person that could tear this mission apart, to go with us. Of course we went searching for the kids. They seriously haven't quit fighting since we left Brooklyn House two hours ago. We've almost crashed the car because Bleu is driving and apparently can't focus on more then one thing at a time. Good thing I'm watching the road or else we would have died an hour ago.

"Will you two stop?" I yelled over their arguing. You'd think they were two twelve-year-olds discussing Team Edward or Team Jacob.

They turned to me at the same time and yelled, "No!"

"Butts," I whispered under my breath.

"What was that, Eva?" asked Rob, half way through an argument with Bleu.

"Why nothing Rob," I said sweetly. Bleu started laughing and almost ran head on into a passing car. "Car Bleu. Anyway. Where do you think a giant would hide a couple of kids?"

"I don't know. A warehouse that is big enough for her. (Sarah: Ba-dum, tiss!) What did she mean by 'your brother wouldn't even know my name'? Who's your brother? I haven't seen him around Brooklyn House." Asked Bleu slipping into interrogation mode with ease.

"He's not a magician. He's my half-brother not full. His dad is the reason I'm good with water," I said attempting to stay truthful.

"And his dad is...?" asked Bleu.

"That's a secret. I can't tell. Only he is aloud to. He was the one that I like tackled at my birthday party." I said attempting to change the subject.

"Oh! That's your brother!" said Rob, realizing that the conversation was making me uncomfortable. "Let's stop here to see what we can find," Bleu pulled the car to a stop and we got out.


Oh my gosh! Worst week of my life! They wouldn't stop arguing. I got out of the car to look around. We were in Indiana and we stopped to look in a small town that wasn't on the map that we had. Well, it was but it was to small to read the name. I looked at the sign of the fire house that we parked in the parking lot of. It said Millhousen VFD. VFD? Haha. Series of Unfortunate Events! I now know what VFD means! Yes! I am a genius! There where quite a few other cars there so I was guessing that it was a party or something along those lines. I looked back at the sign and read underneath of it, "Fireman's Picnic-5/10."

"Okay. That answers my question. Want to look around?" I asked the two who just got out behind me.

"Did you figure out where we are yet?" asked Rob.

"Yep. Some little town called Millhousen. Ever heard of it?" I asked.

"No. It must be a really small town though because there isn't a whole lot of people here." Bleu said, not knowing about the two girls that looked really alike that were sneaking up behind him.

"I'm here." said one.

"So am I!" the other said with a grin that could have matched a psychopath.

"And you are...?" I asked.

"Oh! Silly me. I'm Carlyn and this is Virginia. We're twins. You don't look like you're from around here. Do you need any help finding your way around?" the girl with the crazy smile said.

"No. I think we're good. Do you know if there is a hotel around here?" I said.

"No there's not one here, but there is one in Greensburg. Do you know the way?" asked Virginia.

"Do you Bleu?" I asked turning to him.

"Did you just say his name was Blue? That's a cool name!" yelled Carlyn.

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