Capture The Flag With an Egyptian Twist: Eva POV

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Oh gosh was Percy mad when he saw us. He dragged us to the Big House and asked us tons of questions like what we were doing, what we were thinking, stuff like that. I just sat and took it, not feeling like explaining.

"Are you even going to say anything!? Eva! Does Mom know where you are?" He asked me.

"Mom barely ever knows where I am. I'm always with them." I answered, pointing to Rob and Bleu behind me.

"Do not pin this on me Eva Blofis!" yelled Bleu behind me. "It's that giants fault."

"Giant?" asked Percy, going pale.

"Shut up Bleu! You're not helping!" I heard Rob say to Bleu behind me.

"Please tell me you three do not have anything to do with a few kids going missing did you?" Percy asked, dreading the answer.

"How did you know?" asked Bleu, stupidly.

"He's Percy. He knows everything." I said as sarcastically as I could manage.

"Smart choice of words there, Eva Blofis." Percy replied.

"I was being sarcastic." I said back.

"I know. There are a few people here that can be real smart asses when they want to be. Why are you here again?"

"We were looking for some kids that got kidnapped by a giantess." I said.

"Giantess?" he asked. "We didn't fight any girl giants in the war. They were all guys. Did she say anything about who she was?"

"No. She just said that even those demigods at Camp Half-blood wouldn't even know her name." Rob said.

"Oohkay. Now explain to me who you are exactly so I don't look like an idiot trying to explain to everyone without me even knowing."

"We're Egyptian magicians. Members of the house of life, blood of the Pharaohs." said Bleu, boasting how amazing he was, as usual.

"And that means...?" asked Percy.

"It means we can use magic and control elements to our needs. Like, say I wanted to turn Bleu into a cat. All I would have to do is look at him, work a bit of magic, and imagine that he was a cat. See look." Rob said before I could stop her.

"Rob, stop before I turn you into a mouse." I said, causing her to look at me. Percy gave me a surprised look.

"Can I at least give her- I mean him a tail?" she asked innocently.

"No," I replied, causing her to pout. "Okay, but later when we need a demonstration." I said, trying to make her happy.

"Awwwwwwwwwe," complained Bleu. "I don't want to be a cat though."

"You might have to. We do need someone to explain this to everyone and a test subject." I said, trying not to laugh.

"Why cant you have a volunteer do it? I don't like being a cat. Let someone else be one." Bleu complained more.

"Alright. I'll get a volunteer to do it. Percy, don't tell anyone what we are going to do. You're fine with it right?" I asked looking at him.

"That's fine. Just have Jace do it," he said, smirking.

"Will do. Are we going down there now to tell everyone?" I asked.

"Ya, Chiron will be meeting us down there." Percy said. Rob and Bleu exchanged looks.

"Hold on. You two don't know what we're talking about do you?" I asked, turning to them.

"No. I have no idea," said Rob.

The Next Generation: A Percy Jackson Kane Chronicles Crossover EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now