Pizza Anyone?: Eva POV

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters except for mine like Eva and a few new ones that I am going to introduce in this chapter. If I make any reference to "The Twelve" in any of my authors notes, just know that they refer to the seven of the second great prophecy and the person Leo marries along with Sadie, Walt, Carter, and Zia. Just so you know.


"What!? But, but, how is that even possible?" what the crap was an Egyptian magician?

"Do you know anything about ancient Egypt?" he asked me.

"Of course! I know all about ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. My broth-"

"Half-brother," Carter cut me off.

"Stop doing that! Anyway, my half-brother made sure of that."

"Well that's good. Makes our lives easier. Oh! Sadie, can you go get Robin to show her around?"

"Of course." Sadie replied.

"Thank you," Carter said. Sadie left and went up a flight of steps." do you know who the goddess Nephthys is?"

"Of course I know who the goddess Nephthys is. I told you, I know all about ancient Egypt. Why do you want to know?"

"Well, I think she would be a good goddess for you to study."

"Study? As in research what she has done and her personality?"

"Precisely." Carter replied. I was stunned. Completely and utterly stunned.

"I was being sarcastic."

"Well I'm not."

"Okay. And why am I going to study a goddess?"

"So that you can control her powers."

"Oh. Okay. So your saying that Egyptian gods and goddesses are real?"

"Ya. Are you following?"

"Pretty well. I'm a little confused on one point though. How is it for more then one set of gods and goddesses to exist in the same place?" my hand immediately flew to my mouth. I shouldn't have said anything. These guys probably didn't even know about the Greek and Roman gods.

"More then one? Your parents were told not to tell you." I could tell the last bit wasn't meant for my ears but I jumped on it.

"My parents didn't tell me anything. My br-, half-brother told me everything about him and his world. He wouldn't have told me, but he cracked under the puppy dog eyes and the tears."

"Alright. That complicates things, but you can't tell anyone here. They don't know about what your half-brother has done." Carter said.

"Okay. I was going to keep quiet anyways. I wasn't even going to tell you, but it kind of slipped out."

"Well don't let it slip out, okay?" Carter said in a too sweet voice. Just then Sadie walked back in the room with a girl that had red hair that looked like it was on fire and a face that was covered in freckles. She looked about 10 and I could tell she was good with fire.

"Hey Bub. I got Rob for you." Bub? Oh! They must be brother and sister! I didn't know that!

"Thank you Sadie. Eva, this is Robin, or Rob as we call her. She's going to give you a tour of Brooklyn house. Rob, show her everything and then give her a room." the house was amazing! I had never seen anything like it before! There were four floors and all of them had bedrooms and stores and all sorts of things on each one. It was awesome! We walked by one room where three penguins walked out. I heard the guy inside tell them to get back inside. I looked at Rob for an explanation, but she just shook her head and said something that sounded like Felix under her breath. I didn't know who Felix was and wondered if it was the guy with the penguins in his room. That would be a nice room. One with penguins in it. Jk Jk. I would like one with a hot tub in it though... Like that would ever happen.

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