Horrible Dreams Twenty Questions and Shopping: Eva POV

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England was amazing, but I was kind of tired from opening the portal. We grabbed a pizza and Corin and I shared our fandoms. It was the best night ever! Until I went to sleep of course. I can never have a peaceful night these days.

My Ba trip started like this: As usual, it showed me sleeping by Rob and Sarah, but then something different happened. I didn't so much as travel over the sea, it was kind of like something you would expect in a black and white time travel movie. With the whole multicolored virtual hallway thing only in black and white. I had never experienced it before. Not in a Ba trip anyway. [Sarah: Not in a ba trip? Have you experienced it elsewhere?] [Me: Noooooo. Back to the story!] Anyways, when the thinger disappeared, I was looking at a scene that I shouldn't be seeing at present. It was Rob, Bleu, and I walking into my birthday party a week ago. Then my Ba zoomed off the Brooklyn house where there were flashes and screams of battle. I got nervous because I knew what to expect.

My Ba zoomed in the window against my will and in front of me was the battle expected, only the bad guys weren't shadows like Sarah had described from her dream, they were full fledged Egyptian demons. I could see Sadie and everyone fighting for dear life. Even the kids got in there a little before being sent to their rooms. As I watched, my vision focused in on Sadie's amulet that Walt gave her. I had been told that story so often it was permanently embedded in my brain. Only Carter, Zia, Sadie, and Walt were the only people left fighting, fighting for dear life. As I watched everyone get hit with the sleeping spell, I noticed that Felix was gone and two demons sneaking upstairs only to come down with the twins, Alex and Lux, and Charlie and Emma in tow, all four of them kicking and screaming. Once again, my vision focused in on Sadie's amulet, or at least where her amulet was during the fight. It wasn't there. They had taken it and I could only think of one thing they would take it for. The token. We had to get that amulet! I didn't know what for, but it had to be worth something. I could already guess where it was. England. The museum. Where Sadie's journey began. It had to be.

I was so busy focusing on my train of thought that I didn't notice I was awake and sitting up in bed. I looked at the alarm clock only to see that it was seven in the morning here. I got out of bed to go for a walk and think everything over.


I didn't realize how long I walked around, but I saw a good part of London. When I got back I was swamped with a hug from both Sarah and Rob. I looked at my watch to see what time it was and it wasn't there! No wonder I didn't know how long I was! I didn't have my watch! I told everyone an apology and promised to make breakfast, as we had missed the one in the hotel. It was roughly 10:30 their time and I was surprised anyone in our group was up. It would have been 5:30 at home. Corin must have woken everyone up after realizing I was missing. I made an excellent and large breakfast that consisted of waffles, (I can't flip pancakes), bacon (everyone was happy about that), sausage links (I think I was the only one to eat those), eggs (Sarah was ecstatic about that), and toast ( which got an all around complement). As we ate, I explained my Ba trip and what I had learned. Everyone was bouncing off the walls with the prospect of getting a token found and a couple awakened.

"So what are we going to do until we can go to the museum?" Sarah asked. "I don't think it opens until late today."

"Sight seeing!" yelled Jace. Sarah began to nod happily but was interrupted.

"Shopping!" yelled Rob. I smiled at Rob's unusual girlie behavior.

"Do we have to?" Bleu sighed dramatically, while stabbing his waffle repeatedly.

"Yes!" Robin exclaimed. Then she turned towards him threateningly. "I will drag you to every shop and store that we go to, and make you watch as we try on clothes. How does that sound?" I started laughing because I knew she would do it. Bleu's face looked like he had stepped in something unsanitary without shoes on. Like an extremely infectious disease, everyone else started laughing.

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