Well You Don't See That Everyday: Sarah POV

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About a week after Annabeth had chewed us out and Percy had come home worried, Jace was lounging lazily on the old powder blue couch in Chiron's office. He groaned and stretched. I was sitting on the floor next to him working on the only laptop in Camp Half-Blood.

"Sarahhhhh." He groaned at me for the sixteenth time "It's too hot in here."

I blew a stand of hair out of my face and said, "My apologies. Do you want me to leave?" I could almost hear him rolling his eyes. He reached over and yanked on my pony tail. I glared at him and he grinned back at me. "How hard are you asking to be punched?" I inquired pleasantly.

"Knock my teeth out?" he suggested. I rolled my eyes at him and went back to typing. Thanks to Leo's special adjustments, this computer actually repelled monsters. Jace sighed again and began reading what I was typing over my shoulder just because he knew I hated it. He was also breathing down my neck.

"Jace." I growled at him. He just chuckled and changed positions on the couch yet again. His ADHD was running wild today. His head was hanging off the front of the couch while his long legs we're slung over the back. His golden curls were flopping down on my knee. "Hair's getting kind of long." I pulled absentmindedly on a clump of it.

"Enough about my hair," he grumbled as he swatted my hand away. I smiled at him. He really was beautiful, I thought; no wonder all the girls want him. His eyes were a strange dark gold color that set off his hair. Angular cheek bones, thick lashes, and a well-muscled, long, lean body. He had girls falling at his feet. "What?" he said suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing." I grinned.

He grimaced and said, "That usually means something bad."

"I was just thinking about how totes hawt you are, lol."

"Never say that again," he said seriously. "You sound like Amber."

"I know. That's what I hear all day every day, Jace. You need to control your fan base."

"Haha, you think you're hilarious don't you?" he muttered. I stuck out my tongue at him and continued typing. He sighed a bit more. I was trying my very hardest to ignore him considering that he was tugging again at my hair. I knew he was trying to press my buttons but I wasn't going to snap at him; it would give him an undeserved sense of satisfaction. Finally he dropped his hand and made a strange grunting noise.

"I'm almost done!" I told him irritably. He didn't respond. I gave him a sidelong glance and rolled my eyes. He had fallen asleep, upside-down, mouth half open, and snoring, in literally thirty seconds. I shook my head in disgust. He couldn't have fallen asleep an hour ago? I finished typing my essay and printed it. The sound of the clacking jerked Jace awake.

"What?" he asked sleepily. I looked at him again and realized that he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Jace," I asked, "didn't you sleep at all?"

He yawned, "No. Stayed up all night."

I glared at him, "You look exhausted!"

"Thanks, Mom," he yawned, "but even at my worst, I still look totes hawt." Saying nothing, I slipped my essay in a manila envelope. I had this special program sat up with a private school in New York.

"Are you sure you don't want to get some more sleep?" I asked him.

"No." he was looking at me with those unnerving eyes of his. He shook his head and rolled off the couch. He got fluidly to his feet and stretched again. "Let's see if Argus can deliver that for you." He opened the door and ushered me out. He was so tall he had to duck before he could go out the door. We walked up the path to the strawberry patch where Argus was overseeing thing. Jace was, as usual, being watched by every girl in the place. He walked along in his camp half-blood shirt and jeans, humming to himself. Not getting enough sleep usually left Jace a little loopy.

The Next Generation: A Percy Jackson Kane Chronicles Crossover EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now