A Nice Cheerful Chat: Sarah POV

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Next time you read my words...after Carloaf has the mic a bit...well lets say the ball will be rolling. And we will meet some...interesting people. Just a small spoiler alert. Anywhoodle, comment, vote, whatever. I want to know what you think ight? Ight.



I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. It was Chiron. He had a scruffy beard and eyes that were sad, old, happy, and playful at the same time. He had what my Grandmother would call A Thousand Year Eyes. I tried to ignore his horse half completely. It didn't really work.

"Would you care to chat with me?" he asked softly. I nodded mutely. He gestured to one of the rocking chairs on the porch. I sat and then I noticed that Chiron the horse man was gone. Instead it was a Chiron in a wheel chair. It was the motorized kind that you didn't have to push. I gaped at him.

He laughed lightly and said, "Don't worry. I just find it easier to navigate the house like this." I didn't say anything. Chiron cleared his throat. "Well you've watched the video. Any questions?"

"No." I said.

"Are you sure?" Chiron said his eyes twinkling.

"Oh!" I remembered, "Who's my godly parent?"

Chiron chuckled. I decided I liked him. "I'm afraid I don't know. But I have a hunch. You have very green eyes." Well what did that have to do with anything?

"When will I know for sure?"

"Well, most campers are usually claimed on their first camp fire. But you never know."

"Where do I sleep?" I asked suddenly.

"Jace didn't show you the cabins?"

"He said he would later...but I don't think he will now."

"What happened? What made him storm out like that?"

"I...I asked about his godly parent."

Chiron nodded slightly staring out into the sunlit valley and the green hills. "Jace has had a very rough life, even for a half-blood. He has been at this camp for two years, and he still carries the weight of the world on his shoulders." His eyes were distant.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. Jace doesn't like me mentioning it, or anybody for that fact. If you want to know, you should ask him yourself." He shot me a sidelong glance.

"Jace hates me though!"

Chiron smiled, "Oh he doesn't hate you. I've seen him smile more with you today than I have the whole time he's been here."


"Yes. Now, we really should talk about you."

"Me?" I started.

"Yes. Tell me your story. What happened?" I took a deep breath. I told him about living in my home. I told him about running away and being followed by monsters. I told him about killing the giant blue thing. I told him about Percy finding me and bringing me here. I told him everything about my life. How the kids made fun of my dyslexia and ADD. I told him about never having a place that felt like home. I told him that I hadn't known my father.

"How long can I stay here?" I asked finally. The place was so beautiful, I had really grown to love it in the short time I had been there.

"You are always welcome here. In fact, I would appreciate it if you stayed here. Permanently."

The Next Generation: A Percy Jackson Kane Chronicles Crossover EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now