A Night of Sushi and Demons: Eva's POV

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(This is a chapter I had prewritten so if anything looks or sounds wrong or it does not make sense, please tell me. I pre wrote a lot of chapters and now I have to go through and update them. But don't ask about the end. I'm not giving anything away. I am practically falling asleep while checking this so tell me if anything is wrong! I'm not kidding! Tell me! 



I love France. Like seriously love it. We had gotten a hotel room and were currently looking for somewhere to eat.

"You know, this could be where Piper and Jason's token is," said Corin. I was holding his hand.

"Really now? Why do you think that? Because it's the city of love?" asked Sarah in her sarcastic annoying way.

"Obviously Sarah," I said letting my annoyance show.

"What's up with you E?" asked Rob worriedly.

"Nothing. I'm just stressed. And worried. I hate to think about what that giantess is having the kids do. It's scary. It's like she's giving me these visions in my head over and over and I can't do anything about it," I said tiredly.

"You're not the only one," whispered Sarah next to me. I grabbed her hand in a consoling way. Don't be surprised. We do get along sometimes. No one seemed to notice my consoling, and I was grateful for that. As was, it seemed, Sarah. She started becoming her old self again. All bubbly and sarcastic.[Sarah: *laughs* Bubbly.] [Me: Don't laugh at my choice of words! I live five years behind everyone else.] [Sarah: *laughs harder* Oh my gods, you do!] [Corin: She really does. She can keep up with nothing!] [Me: It's not my fault I lived in almost complete solitude for 6 years.] [Robin: Actually, it is. You wouldn't make friends at school.] [Me: *pouts* When did everyone decide to come into my room? Out!] It made me feel better just by knowing that.

"Lets go here!" yelled Rob from in front of us. She was standing in front of a sushi restaurant.

"Sushi? Really Red?" asked Jace from behind us. "You do know that Sarah isn't going to eat any of it right?"

"Oh. She won't? I've never had sushi though," she said in an innocent way.

"Go on, I'll be fine. Might sit and complain to the waitress the entire time, but I'll be fine," Sarah said.

"Alright. Let's go! I'll pick you up a hot dog and let you chose the next place," Rob said, completely bubbling with joy. [Sarah: There's the word again. bubbling. Why must you use it? It's not right.] [Me: did I not just say to get out? Well then, out!] We walked into the restaurant and looked around. It was a fancy Japanese restaurant with a bar and round tables. We were seated at the closest round table that fit six.

"What would you like to drink?" asked the waiter. (Yes I said waiter. It was a guy. He was kind of hot. Not really. You do have to remember, I only have children of the gods to compare them to and Egyptian Magicians, but something about them just makes them so... Mmmm.)

"I'll have a Dr. Pepper," I said before anyone else could talk.

"Impatient much E?" asked Bleu. I kicked him under the table. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You're annoying. I'll have Rob do it next time," I responded. The waiter took everyone else's drink choices and left but returned five minutes later with them. I got my Dr. Pepper and took a long drink of it.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked turning to Sarah.

"Mmmmh," she said examining the menu, "a hot dog please."

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