Cheese Wars and Nightmares: Sarah POV

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A/N: Okay I know we haven't uploaded in a while. I know we said Wednesday. But we are dirty rotten liars and life isn't fair so sorry(:


Now, seeing that a discovery of a nation of magical people is pretty spectacular, it took some time to explain. Chiron sent us upstairs to sit around and wait for him to fill everybody in. I keep waiting on him to say some really old-timey thing like, 'Egyptians? Now I've seen everything!' I really secretly wanted him too, but that's not important. We also had to figure out a way to change Jace back, and after about an hour of Robin concentrating and staring at the big, blonde cat curled up on the sofa next to me, POP. Jace was back. Sadly, this one could talk. Seeing Jace turn into a cat? Awesome! I seriously regret not having a camera on me.

But, it was a little weird. Meeting the Romans for the first time was confusing (or so Annabeth has told me) but I mean, we are technically the same thing. Children of the gods, no matter what form they were in and everything. But I had studied Egypt for years, reading about the Pyramids and even dreaming of visiting. I had read legends of their gods too but I had never once thought that maybe they could have the same thing going on. And it wasn't even the same thing! Maybe they weren't Demigods, but they were some powerful people. Even the satyrs could sense that. Grover, who came back with Chiron, almost fell out of his chair when Eva shook his hand.

"Mother of Zeus!" Grover shouted, taking his hand back carefully.

Eva turned to Percy confused, "Is that an insult?"

"Did you just insult her?!" Rob yelled. She gave him a fifteen minute scolding about manners and how to behave. Grover then left the room, whimpering. I couldn't help liking these people, at least they weren't as annoying at some. Jace, on the other hand, seemed a little put out at being stuck as a cat for a while. Apparently, he thought their brand of magic was like hypnotism and wouldn't work on him or something. I rolled my eyes at his sulky face.

"Don't be such a brat. She wanted you to be a cat, so you became a cat." After talking to Robin about it she said that it was kind of like forcing her will on somebody else's body.

"I hate cats," he grumped. Eva gasped and stared at him.

"Bast would have destroyed you! No, she would have expected me to destroy you!" Jace stared at her blankly.

"Bast is the cat goddess," Annabeth explained. Jace looked up at the ceiling like, ahhh, should of known, of course. I could barely wrap my mind around the whole thing, not to mention Percy and Eva being brother and sister. Jace and I had obviously worked out the whole Percy-Eva-Sibling thing. I think almost everyone in the room had, with the exception of Bleu since he seemed generally confused about everything. But no one was going to say anything because there was a feeling that anyone who did would probably be attacked in a dark alley. Yes, it was a very important secret. Annabeth had currently doing Eva's hair, and she seemed to like it more than Tessa did. Now that her hair was up I could really see the resemblance. I realized that that was why she seemed so familiar. She had the same face shape as Percy did, only hers was definitely more feminine. And if her eyes were green instead of that weird grayish blue, they would look exactly like his. And mine, I realized. I glanced down at my hair. It wasn't nearly as nice as hers. It was a light reddish brown, that was always messy and slightly wavy and did whatever it wanted. Eva looked like Percy, but she didn't have the same, I don't know, wild-ish feeling about her. She looked kind of calm and collected. Well, at that moment she did.

Chiron must have been alerting each and every person in the tri-state area, because it took him ages to get the news around to everybody. As ADHD kids, being confined is something we are just not good with. To prevent us from, I don't know, breaking some furniture (Jace) or perhaps setting the ceiling fan on fire (Robin) we broke out the board games. Yup, that's what we do to entertain ourselves. What, were you expecting something better like some magic Wii system? Sorry to disappoint you.

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