Cupid Is Stupid: Eva POV

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Second dates can be said to be worse than the first. When you're a magician dating a demigod, second dates are expected to be worse than the first. Not due to the fault of the daters of course, but because life has a way of turning something romantic into something deadly. Now, you might count a romantic walk around a fountain to be an amazing night, and that is exactly how it was, until Sarah and a love-struck Jace slipped in the picture. I was expecting it. I mean I did set Cupid on them. I just didn't expect them so soon.

We had already gone to the cathedral and both of us found it boring and a little intimidating. I was never one for architecture. We opted out for walking around Paris, just talking and munching on street food. Soon we reached the Fountain of Light. I was glad I had memorized the street maps we had acquired at the tourist shop.

After we had bought some ice cream, we rested on the marble rim of the fountain intensely discussing the best flavor. We sat extremely close, not so much as an inch of space between us. I would sometimes get distracted by the cute messiness of his hair and the sun shining through his eyes showing that there were light flecks of hazel in the dark brown. "So," Corin said bumping my shoulder with his own. "Why did we have to split up like this again?" He was chewing thoughtfully on his waffle cone and watching me.

I sighed in exasperation. "I can't tell you! I've told you that six times now, Corin."

"I can't help it, I'm naturally curious!" Corin finished his cone and wiped his hands. "Plus, I keep hoping my incredible romancing will throw you off your guard." He looked at me through his lashes in a half-mocking way.

"Good luck with that." I rolled my eyes back at him and tried my best not to smile.

"You get a dimple in your cheek when you do that," he observed pleasantly. I absently covered the cursed indention with my hand. He caught my wrist, gently. "Don't," he smiled. "It's cute." His fingers wound into mine and my face got amazingly warm. "And so is that blush of yours," he teased.

"Shut up!" I punched him in the arm. He pulled on an offended face and cradled his arm like he had been wounded. "I'm not cute," I said defensively. "I'm intimidating and scary."

Corin studied me shrewdly. "You can be whatever you want. Follow your dreams girl." It was such a weird thing for him to say that I burst out laughing. In fact, I laughed too hard and my nose dipped into my strawberry ice cream. Which caused Corin to lose it, and he wheezed out something about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer before he was completely gone.

"Corin—" I said displeased by his reaction.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA," was his reply. He took a look at my annoyed expression and tried to calm down.

"Corin, oh my gods—"

"Oh chill out E," he said biting back a few more manly giggles. "You should have seen your face." I glared at him. His face became distinctly worried. "What?" I continued to glare at him. "Listen I'm sorry—"

"Not as sorry as you're going to be," I assured him. As he opened his mouth to say something I quickly and surely shoved his nose straight into the pink sweetness that was my ice cream.

"Ack!" he sputtered. He gave me a reproachful look and his nose dripped ice cream with injured pride. He allowed me to crack up with good grace and offered me a napkin to clean my nose. I did, and leaned in to dab away his mess too. He told me it was okay but I insisted. I realized that this was the closest I had been to him to we had kissed in London. I took a steadying breath and tried hard not to focus on his lips or how nice it was to kiss him and the tiny little cute mole at the corner of his mouth...

"Hey Eva?"


"I'm pretty sure I don't have ice cream in my eyebrow." Whoops. I had been wiping away at his forehead and staring at his mouth for five minutes.

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