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Chapter Twenty Nine ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

Help! Help... Help... Dahlia shouted with great effort, but it seemed as though no one could hear her. She felt her mate reaching out to her but it felt like he was speaking a different language.

She came to only hours ago, but it felt as though days had passed for her.

She hated the familiarity that surrounded her, what with the scent of hospital issued hand sanitizer, the feeling of Alexander clutching her hand and silent sobs ringing around the room.

There was another silent sound in the room. She knew what it was, but chose to not think about it.

Luca? Alex? Thanatos? Can you hear me? She tried again.

Nobody answered.

Help me! She tried on and on in vain, ignoring the strain it put on her fragile mind and spirit.

Tendrils of Chaos were slipping into her mind and she tried to push them away as much as she could, but she was growing weaker and weaker which made the power it brought along with the destruction quite tempting in her head.

After another hour of shouting and silent crying (which did not go unnoticed by Alexander), she let only one tendril into her spirit. She could almost visualise it, a black snake slipping into the core of her blindingly white spirit.

It shocked her entire being, making her seize uncontrollably. The Chaos was stronger than ever and she couldn't grasp onto it and pull it out of her spirit. It hurt her enough to make her scream, this time not in her head.

The room she was in was flooded by doctors and nurses, but nobody could understand what was happening.

They held her down and injected her with a liquid, but it didn't help in the slightest. Her body was burning from the inside out, her heart pumping poison into the rest of her.

"Is she going to be alright?" She distantly heard Alexander's voice speaking to someone.

She also felt Luca's presence, making her screams even louder. Whatever drug they pumped her with immobilised her, making her unable to physically scream.

It didn't stop her from sending her screams to everyone in the room.

This time, unfortunately, they could hear them. Luca heard them vividly, as if she was screaming into his ear. The rest heard them from a distance, being far less versed in telepathy.

"What is it?" He asked her, ignoring his ears bleeding from the severity of her screams. "What's hurting you?"

Chaos! She shouted.

"It's Chaos. Her body is rejecting it for some reason." Luca voiced while a nurse was cleaning his ear.

"How do we help her?" Alexander asked. His eyes were each completely different colours, indicating that Thanatos was present as well.

"We can't. She's got to get through this on her own." An unfamiliar voice said.

Luca held her hand, trying to ease her pain somehow. As soon as he linked with her, he was shot across the room. He looked up at Alexander and silently moved his head in a manner that showed he couldn't help her.

"You should probably be with her, Alex. You too, Thanatos." Luca said as he got up from the floor.

His friend nodded and moved closer to his mate. He tentatively held her hand and kissed it, a teardrop falling onto her wrist when he closed his eyes.

Tears of pain and misery continued pouring from the corners of her closed eyes, wetting her now greasy hair and clean white pillowcase.

Her skin had turned an ashen tone and black veins started to slowly appear around her eyes. A mistyness surrounded her being, all indicating that the Chaos that had forever surrounded her had indeed seeped into her being.

She was calmer now that her body had accepted the Chaos, ironically enough.

Her eyes opened, what with the drug being filtered faster through her system now that the Chaos gave her the energy she needed.

She was okay. The Queen is alive.


Here with us today is Jason Denovo, our leading investigative reporter specialising in royal affairs. Jason, could you tell us the news regarding the Royals?

Yes, Adam, we have recieved news that the Queen has been fatally injured in a mission against the rebelling creatures. It is rumored that the Queen is curently in hospital, surrounded by her closest family members and friends. We have recieved intel from a reliable source that at one point, the entire west wing of the hospital had been tortured by mental and physical screams. We can only assume that the Queen is in great pain to be sending such torture to anyone surrounding her.

Do you know if the Queen will be alright?

We have not recieved any information on that matter. We can only pray and hope for the best.


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