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Chapter Twenty Five ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

"There is an uprising happening in Europe. We must take care of it, immediately."

"How did you find out, Luca?"

"I teleported to one of the royals' houses. They were making amulets and potions with the help of a witch coven. They looked similar to the one in Dahlia's slipper."

"Do we kill them or imprison them?" Isaac asked.

"Killing them would anger the other royals and cause an even bigger uprising, yet leaving them alive would be dangerous for all of us."

"Should we send out a global warning? Let them know that we are aware of their organisation and that if they don't stop it, we kill them all. We won't say who the group leading the uprising is or anything about them, only that we know it's happening."

"I don't think they'll believe us. They might think that we are trying to bait them." Dahlia spoke, voicing her fears.

"We can add some details. Say that there is a coven working for them and that the coven will be killed too. Mention the hex bag you got, but don't mention what it's for." Zeno proposed.

The others agreed to the idea and in a few hours, the message was sent out to the public.


It was far too silent. The news spread like wildfire once again. Nobody sent any emergency message, nobody apologised or claimed that it wasn't them; that they weren't the traitor.

"Could it be that all of the families were in on it?" Dahlia asked the other two demigods in the room.

"I can check." Luca suggested.

Dahlia nodded and in a second, he was gone.

"What do we do if it truly is that everyone is against us?" Dahlia asked, fearing that her nightmares were coming true.

"We kill them. What else can we do? I've let them control my decisions for far too long, and I won't let it happen for any longer."

She sighed, moving on to dealing with paperwork and planning.

"Most of them are gone from their mansions. We need to hide, they were all in on it and are attacking as we speak. I found blueprints of the castle on their desks." Luca returned, running through the penthouse and gathering items for escape as he told them the information he found.

"Let's gear up. Luca, make sure everyone is evacuated except for the warriors." Dahlia instructed.

Luca nodded and seconds later, the castle folk was being evacuated. Dahlia set up portals throughout the castle for them to use. They were taken to a secure location, while the remaining warriors and volunteers dispersed around the castle.

The men, women and everyone inbetween geared up and prayed to whatever gods they believed in. All except Dahlia, Luca and Alexander.

"Whatever happens, we protect our people. We can't die, but they most certainly can. We have practiced enough to know what to do in any possible situation."

"We won't let you down, Your Highness." The creatures bowed to their King and Queen, just as a ripple appeared infront of the castle.

The King's Queen |2|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora