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Chapter Seventeen ▪The King's Queen |2|

The castle was buzzing with rumours.

What are those cameras for?

Why did the King allow them entry in his castle?

What is going on?

The television crew was led to the large meeting room where the video conference will be filmed.

Today was the day the King and Queen would finally reveal their identities, along with the plan for the world.

The video will be filmed and broadcasted to every screen in the world once edited and translated to other languages.

The world will be engaging in war once more.

"Are you ready?" Alexander whispered to Dahlia as they stood together, hands firmly grasped in eachother's.

"Are you?" She asked him back, gazing into his eyes deeply.

"As long as you are by my side."

"Then so am I." She smiled nervously at him.

"Maybe we should have told the nobles first, I get the feeling they won't like this." Isaac interrupted.

"What message would that send? We are doing this for the weaker beings. If we tell the nobles first, we would practically be telling the poor that the nobles are more important." Dahlia quickly shut him down.

"If you say so."

"If you are ready, my King." The cameraman spoke.

"We are." He glared at the cameraman, not liking that he ignored his mate's authority.

The cameraman gulped and pressed a button on the camera, a red light appearing next to the lense.

"We are rolling. You may start."

Alexander started his speech. "Hello, world. As you may have guessed, I am your King. My full name is Alexander Thanatos, and this your Queen." He smiled to her.

"And her name is Dahlia. The King and I are soulmates. You may be wondering why you are being forced to watch and listen to this video." She turned to him.

"As my mate was a human up until recently and lived in poverty, I have realised that this Kingdom that I am ruling is far from perfect. I have always thought that both humans and creatires alike would never be able to live in a world where they had a choice. I was wrong."

"This Kingdom needs freedom. To make you happy, we need to know what you need and what you want. We want to give everyone a chance to get an education and to become successful, not just the lucky ones who are born into success."

"We would like to create a world in which nobody would be privilidged. The colour of your skin, your bank account and your social status will be useless. What will matter is your intelligence and your power."

"And your will and loyalty." Dahlia added.

"Yes, of course." He smiled at her adoringly. "We are going to introduce a form of democracy. Please, listen very carefully to what we have to say. This will change all of our lives." Alexander continued, turning to Dahlia so she could carry out the speech.

"The King and I will be stripped of our titles, as will all of the nobles. Please, don't rage at us for making this decision. Nobody will be taking away your powers and your riches, only the priviledge you get with your title. You will be introduced to a Council, the members of which will be chosen by you. Every legal adult will be able to vote for the representative of their specie."

The King's Queen |2|Where stories live. Discover now