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Chapter Fourteen ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

"She didn't say anything about the child?" Alexander asked.


Dawn was showing through the blacony doors in her room. Since she awoke, she had been retelling the story to her mate of what she had learned from the Goddess. He asked many questions, "What did she look like? Did the deer have white dots on it's head? Did she smile? Was the deer breathing?", most of which she could barely remember the answers to.

"Alexander, she broke through the sigils. She broke them!" She smiled at him as the realisation hit her.

"I still can't talk to you." A frown marred his sculpted face.

"But the sigils are gone, I don't feel them anymore!"

"You never told me you could feel them." The frown deepened.

"Didn't really bother me." She shrugged.

"We should go to the clinic for those results. Dr. Tanya starts work at six thirty."


She kissed him deeply, savouring every second.

"We should get going or else we'll never leave this room."  


"Your sex cells don't have the extra chromosome, but we have discovered that it can develop over time or-"

"When she finds her mate." Alex filled in.

"Yes, exactly."

"So she'd be a creature, not a human?" Dahlia piped in.

"She would most likely be human and turn to a creature when she died, like you."

"And if she doesn't die early and doesn't find a mate? What if she grows old?" The Queen looked to her mate. "I can't kill her."

"If the chromosome is what gives us power, why did I have the power and not the chromosone until we met? And Dahlia probably had the chromosome and not the powers, not until she died."

"Everything regarding the chromosome is a mystery for now, and I get the feeling that it will remain that way for some time. Perhaps your child would be forever immortal, like her father."

"At least until she died for the first time."

"Possible. Hell, anything is."

They chuckled, but the reality wasn't that lighthearted.

"Why are we even talking about this this early? I've only been turned months ago, it wouldn't even be safe if I decided to become a teen mom suddenly."

"I sometimes forget you're only nineteen." 

"Because I'm so mature and don't act like I'm nineteen." She grinned at her mate.

"As if." He scoffed. "Maybe in a life or death situation."

"I'm immortal."

"Exactly." It was his turn to grin. She punched him in the shoulder, slightly harder than a human ever could.

"Keep trying, maybe I'll move an inch." He pet her hair lovingly as his eyes slightly bled red due to Thanatos wanting to engage in the playful bickering.



"Shall we continue with the tests?" Dr. Tanya butted in.

"Yes, please, if it means he goes away."

"I was planning on going to Australia to your brother actually, so if you could make me a portal it would be greatly appreciated."

"Of course. Say hi to Isaac, will you?"

"You can come through and see him yourself." He suggested, not wanting to part from his mate.

"Maybe later when you need to get back. Call me when it is."

"Will do. Love you." He pecked her cheek.

"Love you too, asshat." Grinning wildly, she made him a portal below his feet so he would drop down and fall through her brother's living room ceiling.

"I've noticed how you seem far less chaotic. Is there something I should know?" Dr. Tanya ignored the strange display of affection and voiced her worries.

"Not anything regarding my Chaos, I think that that's just time doing it's thing. However, the sigils are useless. I've had a vision and the Goddess broke them to display it to me."

"That's excellent news! Do you want to start on the mental exercises with one of our telepaths?"

Allowing someone to read her mind was a difficult request. There were things she'd rather keep safe in her own head, not someone else's.

"Who would it be?"

"I doubt the King would let anyone other than the Lords to read his mate's thoughts, and the only telepathic Lord isn't a Lord, but the infamous Lady." Dr. Tanya winced.

"Can she be trusted?"

"She was the one that helped find you when that lycan took you. She would give her life if it meant the King is happy- he was the closest thing to a father she ever had." The doctor clarified seeing the tinge of suspition on her Queen's face.

"I think it's time for me to meet her and the rest of the Lords."

A/n hope you're all okay from the virus. Wouldn't want my reads to start dropping, would I?

It's a joke calm down.

The King's Queen |2|Where stories live. Discover now