Fangs- 20

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I slowly woke up as I felt very cold. I must have forgotten to cover myself. I looked at the clock and noticed one in the morning. Too early so I covered myself and tried to sleep. But in some odd way. This silence. This slight dim light in here. Felt eerie. I opened my eyes slowly and Akuma hasn't returned anyways. Where is he? I yawned and looked around. If this is Akuma's room why hasn't he come back to bed. I slowly got out of bed and I headed towards the door. But the moment I opened the door the same moment I closed it.

It is completely dark out. No light. So how will I be able to search for him if I can't even see him. I looked around the bedroom in search for my phone. I yawned again as I am very tired. But why can't I sleep. Maybe I just need my gentle music and to remove my clothes. Maybe. Like any growing person would. They decide if to sleep naked or fully clothed.

I do both. Why? I wouldn't know. Some nights I sleep naked and some nights I don't. Sometimes I sleep with just a brah and jeans and sometimes I sleep with no bra and underwear. I am just weird maybe. Is all at random. So maybe I just need my Lullaby playlist on and just feel free. But I just feel so lonely in here. I sighed out and just looking around the bedroom. There are two doors. I know one leads outside while the other leads to the bathroom. I removed my shirt and pants as I threw it to the floor. I felt refreshed and free. I removed my brah and they ached so much. They felt so free and I felt so calm.

I lay back down on the bed as I stared at the roof top of this bed. It looks pretty cool. But I wouldn't know if someone is on the roof. I am in a different world. Akuma. Akuma may be something different but I don't feel fear anymore. The way Zaquery spoke of him. The way Demitry I think is his name talked with him. He looks like a really nice guy. Snarky and sarcastic. Egotistic and Selfish. But nice maybe. I looked both sides and then up as guilt started to wash into my heart.

Where is that dummy? Why isn't he here? Is he avoiding me? Is he mad at me? Maybe he is disappointed in me. I still remember the day he found me in the library. He looked mad and disappointed at me.

I inhaled a little and sighed out as I whispered "Akuma... What did I do wrong?"

I know he won't answer me but my mind kept on wondering. Slowly feeling guilty. I did something wrong and I want to know what. Maybe was it the way I treated him. Was it the way I almost hit him. Was it the way I spoke to him. I must have been awful the first time. But I didn't know. All I saw was a prick and a pervert. I don't even know why am having these weird emotions. This is my first time feeling like this. Maybe the thing I said before we almost had sex. Aw man its going to be a nightmare. I know. Know he will be the one teasing me.

I had a weird sensation starting at my toes. Maybe my leg is asleep. Well I am laying down so my body is slowly going numb. I felt comfy laying on my back so I shut my eyes. My underwear felt unconfy but I didn't care. I am leaving them on just for in case. Something is tingly and smooth on my leg. My eyes wide open as I felt something sliding up my leg.

I inhaled deeply as I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was too terrified if it is a poisonous insect or snake on my leg. My skin became chicken skin as all the hairs in my body stood to no end. The door slams open and in came Akuma. He stares at me in panic but is know confused. Tears sliding down my face as I am fear stricken. He turns the light on I had to close my eyes for a little then I slowly opened them to see him walking towards me.

"What happened? Who was in here? Are you ok?" He asked worriedly

"S-Something is on m-my leg" I stuttered out

He looks confused and so he removes the covers and on my leg was a rat. My heart lost as I saw that rat on my leg. Its huge. My whole body wanted to swat it away but I don't want rabies. Akuma in a blink of an eye he grabs it. I crawled my legs up my body in panic. Will he kill it? He wouldn't. Would he? He opens a third door that I didn't notice behind the curtains. I thought they were windows. But there is a balcony in his room. That's really awesome. He releases the creature as it bolted back to nature.

I felt amazed. I would have expected him to fling out and let it die when it gets to the ground. But he just released it and it ran of. He clapped his hands and shuts the door. I just stared at him. Confused but amazed. My mind kept on showing me so many things that I didn't understand. He went inside the bathroom without looking at me and I could hear the faucet. His cleaning his hands.

I tilt my head confused but I remember Rats come from the nasty part of our world. Thanks to us they live in poop covered areas. Nasty. So they are covered in germs and rabies. I can understand the washing of hards from his part. But I know he won't die because he is a vampire. Or do vampires die? Do they feel pain when injured? Are they weak to garlic? Stake to the heart? Well that would kill anybody. Fire? Sunlight? Wait no. Zaquery. Akuma. Demitry. All walk under the sun.

I felt something damp on my leg and I jumped in panic. It was Akuma with a moist towel and he was cleaning my leg where the rat was laying on.

He coughs a little and speaks "Maybe if you shower I will change the covers ok?"

"Why?" I asked confusedly

"I remember humans have sensitive bodies when it comes to germs and life threatening bites" he tells me with a cheeky smile

"I can't deny that part..." I told him with a gentle smile he chuckles but he still hasn't look at me so I asked "Why aren't you looking at me?"

"Your... Um... Your only in... In your underwear" his words sent me spiraling into realization

I looked at myself and hugged my chest "Shit!"

My face heated up in embarrassment. I can't believe I forgot that I am basically naked. Fuck. I stood to at least run to the bathroom and saw how he closed his eyes. It was pretty cute though. But I rushed to the bathroom. I won't yell. I won't punch. Only bathroom. It is my fault that I am naked. It is my fault that my mind left the earth because of a rat.

I am so stupid!

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