Fangs- 6

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Its the third day of freedom dad hasn't gotten home yet so I listening to music jumping around feeling happy DJ Bl3nd blasted on my speaker I felt my stomach shurn a bit as it growled at me to feed it. I ran to the kitchen I swayed my hips around feeling happy.

I opened the fridge and there was some bread and ingredients. I turned around and saw the raw noodles. Me in the mood for spaguetti with alfredo. I grabbed a small soup pan and filled it to half with water. I swayed my hips when Sexercise played I turned the stove on and placed the pan down. I went to my phone and put my Cooking Sexy Playlist on. Boy Like You Nightcore Vers. Played on and I began to model to the kitchen. This is what I do when am alone I just have fun to just forget the painful past and just enjoy the present and the fun and happy past.

I swayed my hips as I made it I grabbed half of the raw noodles and placed them in the boiling water. I add a bit of salt as I grabbed a frying pan and turned the stove on as I add a bit of water and begin to make chicken breast making me giggle at my movements. I kept swaying my hips as the meat melted by the heat and began to get cooked I lowered the flame and placed the tap to the pan so the meat can get ready. I checked the spgauetti and it was a bit raw so I left it three more minutes.

I grabbed the alfredo and I swayed my hips whe Pretty Little Psycho played. I kept swaying my hips feeling happy. I turned the spaguetti off as I hummed the song. I grabbed the bowl with small wholes and poured the water with spaguetti. I let all the steam go to my face feeling how it made my skin feel fresh. I smiled then Caramelldansen came on and just made me smile.  I went to the meat and turned it when turned I went back to the spaguetti and raised it up down up down getting all the water out. I placed it in a boul.

I grabbed a knife and began cutting the meat. When done I left it for a bit more and then I began to get them out and putted them on the spaguetti. Everything is for two person I add more because I didn't know if I will eat later or if dad makes it. I grabbed half into a plate while the other half I closed it with the cap. I opened the alfredo its scent made my tummy growl a bit. Making me giggle. I looked around the house seeing how it was what mom always wanted.

Just thinking of her makes me just want to suicide to be with her but dad needs me and I need him so I don't want him to be more in pain. He suffered a lot and it took him a whole year or two to feel better. That is why all the moving not staying in one place or in a school so is kinda normal. Its been 5 years since her death 6 soon he lasted 4 years in depression so we came here as a last choice. If I am correct this house was inherited to dad. Its a cute house and I wouldn't change for the world.

I felt confused that dad hasn't gotten home yet so I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. It began ringing and ringing. No answer. I heard the female woman and I hung up. 'Maybe he is resting...' I had a bad feeling but I shrugged it of. He must be parked aside and sleeping. Its a long ride so I can understand. I put away the closed boul in the microwave and closed the alfredo and placed it in the refrigerator. I walked to the living room and turned the TV on.

I put Cartoon Network. I placed my plate down as I put my music in pause and began to watch Regular Show. I began mixing the spaguetti as I stared at the TV. I giggled a bit. 'Mordikay (Forgot how to write his name...) looks weird in blonde hair...' I watched TV for a while my phone rang and I was conduses. Someone is calling me? Weird. I stood up and headed to my phone I swallowed a small lump. Its an unknow caller. I don't recognize the number so I grabbed it and picked it up.

"Hello?" I spoke confused but politely

"Oh am sorry to bother at this hour but am looking for my granddaughter Margarita she gave me this number and I think I got it right..." Its an elderly speaking

I smiled lightly and sighed oit as I spoke "Am sorry ma'am you got the wrong number maybe you got one number wrong..."

"Oh ok am very sorry to bother you" she responded disappointed

"Is ok don't worry I hope she calls you or she sees you I have a good feeling for you ma'am..." I say happily and prepy

"Thank you... Good Night" she said

"Good Night" I say softly as she hung up

I sighed and stared at my food it called me. I smiled and I sat down placing the plate on my lap it felt warm and I cheered internally. I used the fork rolling it up and taking a big bite. I shrieked in joy at the taste. I looked at the TV as Adventure Time began. 'Yay...' It was the genderbend episode where Fin is a girl and Jake is a female Cat. I didn't understand it the first time I thought it would be Cake the dog but its Cake the Cat. Marsaleen looks smoking hot as a male.

I watched as Marshall Lee spoke to Fiona and tried scaring her but lost until he faked his death and Fionna cried and was heartbroken but Marshall Lee woke up and told her he isn't dead and is just a tomatoe to fake the blood. It just made me laugh a bit.

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