Fangs- 12

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Blondie smiled she went to throw it but Karin placed her hands forward grabbing it quickly. I felt impressed. The rest threw at her with her other hand she grabbed another as she began to dodge the rest. She looked like a ballerina she danced dodging every ball she glanced aside a smile crept up to her lips when I followed her gaze I spot Zaquery in the bleachers. 'What is he doing here? Did Demitry send me news about something? Why did she smile at him? Do they know each other?'

I looked back and saw her throwing the balls back. She threw at a brunnetter who tried to stop it but hit her hands passing her and hitting her chest. She whined about braking a nail I felt happy but annoyed braking a nail is stupid but happy to see that this human can dodge and throw. I saw her run towards two balls and was able to grab them. Just three to go she is still outnumbered. But she quickly threw it both to the two blondies wanna be leaving the blonde slut the leader I smirked a bit I felt joy for some reason. The slut looks annoyed and pissed of.

She raised the ball and threw it Karin just caught it so easily like nothing and say "Wow my grandmother can throw harder than that"

She growled girly like it sounded so pathetic of a human trying to growl as she stomped her foot Karin threw it towards Blondies face and kicked the one close to her foot. Blondie dodged the one to her face but got hit on the side by the one Karin kicked. 'She is skill at this...' She is out making Karim win a point she went to Zaquery side she jumped on him hugging him tightly. 'Let her go! Wait what...??!'

"Congrats on winning points..." Zaquery said to her while smiling gently

"Thanks... I love playing dodge ball is my favorite sport..." She say happily it made me want to gag

"So you and I should play it next time and see who wins..." He said smiling 'No!'

"Your on!" She accepted the challenge 'What? A Vampire and Human playing dodge ball not on my watch!'

Everyone stared at them and she just glared at them but Zaquery spoke "Hey... Am thinking of joining school..."

"Really?" She told him not believing it her tone showed so much joy 'Why can't she do that to me... Fuck no!'

"Yeah... But you know I can't promise anything... I need to ask the Nasa first" he told her in a tone I couldn't decipher

She pouted it made her look adorable and say "Aw you and Nasa they will have to give you a week or a vacation your always working"

She knows about his job so does she know about us I felt a growl begin to rise but I took deep breaths to calm down some students were watching them. He is interrupting my class. Some girls were checking him out making me just roll my eyes.

"You know very well that is a great job..." Zaquery told her with a smirk 'Idiot...'

She looked up she smiled at him and say "True..."

I felt jealouse and I grabbed a ball they spoke like if they are dating but she is mine. I froze at that but I grabbed a dodge ball and sent it full speed towards Zaquerys face. But it went towards her face I felt my blood run cold but the monster inside me is thrilled.

Suddenly Zaquery stopped a ball from hitting her face and he say "Nice throw Akuma..."

"Leave Zaquery... Your not a student here..." I said a bit annoyed he is interrupting my class and speaking to what is mine

I wanted him gone and away from her what am I saying but she snapped at me "Leave him alone!"

Everyone whispered as they began to laugh lowly I got mad a bit and just glared at her and said "Detention three hours!"

"You think I will go... FAT CHANCE!" She snapped anger laced in her voice making my calm evaporate in seconds

I felt my eye twitch she is stepping on my personal line on and this wont end very well but Zaquery spoke "Akuma... Is ok I was going to Demitry for this... Don't give her detention she has have a rough night with the news..."

I am so annoyed but he is right so I grumbled but said "No detention... For know..."

She looked angry but I am pissed of Zaquery hugged her from behind oh I will snap his neck and whispered in her ear "I'll see you at home love"

She looked away and smiled at him and said lowly but obviously I can hear her "Ok I'll see you at home... Want me to cook something when I get there?"

"Mmm I might be there but Rice with fried chicken and fries would be good" he said in her ear anger and jealousy cursed through my veins I want her to cook for me

"Ok... See ya home..." She said happily I felt my blood boil

He ran up the bleacher towards the window and jumped while yelling "See ya!"

It pissed me of and she just had that glint of joy but when she stared at me she glared at me like if I would die by it. She went back to the classroom I took big breaths as I heard the students whisper. I am completely annoyed knowing she loves Zaquery. But what do I care? He can drink her dry and I wouldn't care.

"Is that boy a criminal?"

"Look at how he jumped out!"

"I heard him tell her he'll be asisting school"

"Oh my he is so cool..."

"If he does... I would totaly let him bang me any day and night..."

"Damn girl the only boys you haven't gotten laid is the new teacher and Kyle and I think that dude would ignore your ass just like the teacher and Kyle..."

I snapped and roared "Alright if you are all about gossip I want ten laps around the football field..." All whined and I spoke again saying "Twenty laps... So stop your whinning and move it or I doble it..."

They all scattered and ran of towards the football field. I appeared in Demitrys office and he wasn't here. I went to someone else and ended up at the office of a woman saying Counseler. She smelled vampire so I trusted her.

"Excuse me can you watch my students while I go..."

"... Feed... Is ok my Lord go I'll watch them..." She interrupted me but she vanished

She has my ability awesome or is fast like a pureblood. I shrugged it ignoring it and I stomped towards my classroom. She will be dealing with me know and I will personally spank her. When I made it there was nobody and I growled lowly but I looked at tge far corner there she was.

She played with a butterfly by the window she looked peaceful her hair flowing by the wind her pale skin glowed a bit by the sun its romantic. She looks amazing her deep blue orbs shined they looked alive. Her eyes calm as her lips curved a bit in a gentle smile. The butterfly flew away as she stared at it fly away. She wore that jacket and those baggy jeans I just wanted to see that body of hers.

Am curious to how she looks her body is she curvy? Is she flat? Does she have big breasts and ass? Is she a bit chubby? Is she full of scars? She stared at me and her happy moment changed she looks towards the window as the wind blew her hair showing me her delicate unbitten neck.

I gulped but just left it be and I headed towards my car I need to think.

My Vampire TeacherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora