Fangs- 4

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"You ok?" I had to ask I felt really curiouse 'I need to listen to her voice see if it is worthy girl to be bitten when I get my claws on her'

"Yeah just lost..." She told me emotionless 'Ouch... But oh her voice it sounded so melodic... I want to see if it sounds better moaning or happy...'

"May I see your schedule?" I asked her politely

She handed me her schedule and on purpose I put my hand a bit out more so I brushed my hand under her when grabbing her schedule and I think my heart stop at the good sensation of sparks and it made me feel like gelly and it surprised me... It surprised me very much.

I felt her eyes on me but seeing her schedule my last name three times made me smirk in glee. 'So I can spend more time with her amazing...' Is she a good girl or a bad girl?

I began to feel annoyed as I still felt eyes on me so I glanced aside towards her and she was captivated so was I. I couldn't take my eyes away from those deep dark blue orbs. Its like if she was speaking to my soul but she looked down. 'Shit... I want to taste her blood...'

"Your in luck you have me more than once in your schedule... So it makes me your Guardian Teacher..." I told her snapping her from her thoughts but her lips did call me and so did her neck

"Huh?" It was her only words were she in that deep thought or is she stupid

"You. Have. Me. All. Day." I said to her slowly as I got a tad bit closer to her

"Just show me my first class so I wont be late or I will actually end up skipping..." Her words struck making me smirk internally but anger was there too

"Fiesty... Mmm I love it" I told her facinated by her actions

Just those words was all it needed to see her face all red she glared at me and snatched the schedule from my hands. I felt so god damn confused what did I say but I will not be desrespected.

She began to storm away she was going straight to the cafeteria but I grabbed her wrist. 'Oh no your not missy your going to class and I will keep an eye on you no matter what!?' She shrieked oh man that sounded to adorable and I felt some sparks in my iron hold to her wrist. I felt her eyes on me and I heard her groan.

She had tried to regain her hand to end up being gripped harder by me and bit by bit I felt my blood boil by her. I was getting annoyed by her struggling and if I was my old self I would have punched her to stay still she is damn to weak.

She groaned in annoyance at me and I responded without thinking "I am not leaving your side... You will asist class yes or yes... No will never be your answer..."

"So if I want to drink water eat and shit would you feed me or wipe my ass..." She snapped at me

She was daring me this little weak ass human daring me ja but I snapped her "If I need you to asist class then I will even wipe that little part of yours..."

"Touch my body and you are dead..." She warned me

Ja I will show other wise and I will love to see that but I hissed I was holding back I just want to throttle her "Don't temp me little girl..."

I then turned around taking a left and yanked her roughly holding her hand strongly but I open the door softly so students don't think something else. This is my classroom. And I pulled her inside. I stared at all the students seeing how some girls raped me with their eyes while someone beside just looked bored. 'Oh lord...'

"Welcome am your new gym teacher... My name is Akuma Chi Martinez... You may call me Mr. Martinez or Profesor" I explained and I stared at her I tried not to hiss or spat the words while introducing her "As well am new and so is she... Please say your name..."

"My name is Karin Akumu Guzman..." She said plainly I imagined my self chocking her to death

"Any questions?" I asked as I clapped my hands together in anticipation trying to keep my mind ocupied from killing this girl

A few raised their hands but I pointed to a blonde bimbo wana be with too much make up and way to much cleavege  she spoke "Why is both your names weird?"

"One of our parents are japanese and they chose it from meanings" I answered with a smile detesting the simple questions but at least they aren't about are you married or divorced or rich

I pointed to a male with a football jersey on and he spoke his voice was a tad bit rough to be a teen "So Karin... Where did you come from here in America or in Japan?"

She answered bored "I was born in Japan but raised in Scottland but my family and I travel a lot"

I glared at her but I pointed to another male he looked like the nerdy sports boy he has bracers he looked creepy I could see his eyes a bit yellow but he spoke "Am curiouse whats the meaning of your names?"

I spoke first loving this answer "Demon Blood so if you get on my bad side be careful because I can turn into a living hell..."

A few chuckled but she answered as she looked to the door 'Contemplating an escape are we...' "Mine is Pure Nightmare so piss me of and I'll be YOUR worst nightmare..."

She was glaring at everyone some snickered while others just looked a bit scared but I spoke trying to change the subject quickly 'Kick em out...' "Ok that will be for today... Am dismissing you early because I need to file paper work and sign them..."

I saw how she tried to leave as well and it made me feel anger all over again I was mad but just saying her last name felt foreign but I must stay with it am in school grounds even I know is against the law date students "Ms. Guzman please come here..."

"What do you want Profesor?" She groaned and stomped towards me 'This human...'

"I did tell you will watch you so sit down..." I ordered her I just want to slam her against my desk and sink my fangs on her wrist and neck making her feel the worst pain

She glared at me. SHE was GLARING me oh this girl is getting it. She even flicked me of. And bolted out of the classroom I stood up and I quickly grabbed her when she took one step out of my classroom. I yanked her when I felt her walk almost beside me I smiled. 'Good little human...' But pain erupted behind my knee and I had released her from my iron grip

I was going to go chase but in my line of sight the blonde wanna be was there looking at me with lust in her eyes. She took a step forward and I took one back unsire if to run or suck her dry.

"Profesor I have one last question?" She say I raised my eye brow at her and she asked "Do you like it good or you like it ROUGH?"

She actually asked me that like the hell and I responded "Sorry bimbo wanna be but I have better things to do than bang you"

She was surprised taken aback by my words as I ran pass her but had to stop when I had lost her. 'Tricky human... Smart but tricky...' I smelled my hand and her scent. Aw man it smelled so sweet. It smelled like Strawberry and Vanilla. It smelled fantastic. My fangs came out and I covered my mouth clamping it shut. 'Holy shit...'

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