Fangs- 2

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"You ok?" He asked 'Nigga damn you got a hunky voice'

"Yeah just lost..." I told him emotionless

"May I see your schedule?" He asked

I handed him my schedule he jad purposly brushed his hand under mine when grabbing my schedule and I think my heart stopped at the good sensation of sparks and I surprised me I looked at him as he scanned my schedule he smirked wildly I felt confused. But me being well myself I accidently scanned him. He was too good looking. Was he in the important reuinion with the principal.

He had a black suit with a normal white button up shirt a deep blue tie and some dress pants and shoes to combine. Nigga must be rich. He glanced at me amd I was captivated by those deep clear blue eyes. I looked down at his lips and they were a bit plump and inviting I groaned internally. 'SNAP out of it... You are acting like a needy slut...!' My conciouse yelled at me and I got confident. I suddenly smelled waffles. 'Mmm Waffles with chocolate and whip creme...'

"Your in luck you have me more than once in your schedule... So it makes me your Guardian Teacher..."

His words snapped me out of my trance of waffles with chocolate and I say "Huh?"

"You. Have. Me. All. Day." He said to me slowly

'Mmmm good so I ca.... NOOOO! Stop thinking....' I looked at him and say emotionless "Just show me my first class so I wont be late or I will actually end up skipping..."

"Fiesty... Mmm I love it"

Just those words brought me to feel like a fangirl seeing her favorite couple finally kiss. My face is all red at his words. I glared at him and snatched my schedule. I will not be messed up again. Fuck it am skipping.

I was going straight to the cafeteria but someone grabbed my wrist. I shrieked and almost yelled a what the fuck. I felt some sparks in the person hold to my hand. I looked forward and it was him. I groaned.

I tried to regain my hand to end up being gripped harder by him. I was getting annoyed by him and I struggled away from him. I fucking flipping two shitty fuck of what this jackass would take me. But damn it he to strong or is that am still to weak.

I groaned in annoyance from his persistence "I am not leaving your side... You will asist class yes or yes... No will never be your answer..."

"So if I want to drink water eat and shit would you feed me or wipe my ass..." I snapped at him

"If I need you to asist class then I will even wipe that little part of yours..." He snapped back

"Touch my body and you are dead..." I warned he stopped in the middle of an empty hallway

"Don't temp me little girl..." He hissed a bit

I smirked enjoying how am pissing him of and he then turned around and yanked me roughly to open a door softly and pulled me inside. My wrist must be bruised by know I stared at all the students my hair still flowed down my back.

They all looked at me and I just rolled my eyes at them and stared at him bored out of my mind. Come on I have better things to do.

"Welcome am your new gym teacher... My name is Akuma Chi Martinez... You may call me Mr. Martinez or Profesor" He explained and he stared at me "As well am new and so is she... Please say your name..."

"My name is Karin Akumu Guzman..." I said plainly

"Any questions?" He asked as he clapped his hands together in anticipation

A few raised their hands but he pointed to a blonde with too mich make up she spoke "Why is both your names weird?"

"One of our parents are japanese and they chose it from meanings" he answered with a smile enjoying the simple questions

He pointed to a male with a football jersey on and he spoke "So Karin... Where did you come from here in America or in Japan?"

I answered bored "I was born in Japan but raised in Scottland but my family and I travel a lot"

He pointed to another male he looked like the nerdy sports boy he has bracers but was cute and strong making the bracers a bonus he spoke "Am curiouse whats the meaning of your names?"

He spoke first "Demon Blood so if you get on my bad side be careful because I can turn into a living hell..."

A few chuckled but I answered as I looked to the door "Mine is Pure Nightmare so piss me of and I'll be YOUR worst nightmare..."

I was glaring daggers at a few girls who snickered while some felt fear and Akuma spoke "Ok that will be for today... Am dismissing you early because I need to file paper work and sign them..."

I rolled my eyes. 'This is why he forced me to enter the damn class...' I sighed in annoyance everyone cheered and had left I followed persuit.

"Ms. Guzman please come here..." He asked a bit mad but his tone was mixed

I groaned and turned around and stomped my way to him while I spoke "What do you want Profesor?"

"I did tell you will watch you so sit down..." He ordered me

'His ORDERING ME? His actually going to watch me?' I glared at him and flicked my finger at him. And bolted out of the classroom I took one step out of his classroom and I smiled. Freedom.

Everything crashed down when he yanked me inside and pulled me. Great big FUCK. This nigga wont release me he has an actual iron grip. My poor wrists they have done nothing to be bruised like this. I took action and I walked forward and kicked behind him knee making him let me go and while he tried to recover i took chance and left the classroom.

I looked back to see blondy stopping the teacher making me smile and run faster towards the cafetria. If I remember what dad told me of I go towards the cafeteria he would be there working. And as well beside the cafeteria room there is an exit that leads to the parking lot.

I smiled triumphantly but when I was passing the cafeteria door "AKUMUUU!"

Dad calls me and I stop I smiled calmly at him. 'He can be a pain in my ass... But he is all I have left...' I walked to him smiling lightly

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