Fangs- 10

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Its been six days I went to school yesterday to at least make dad proud of me in at least an effort of going to school. I called him more than once but nothing I am pacing back and forth I even called the police to see if his ok but no news about him. Tears began to well up in my eyes.

Fear engulfing me as I began to cry I went to school today and I didn't see dickhead in two days I felt calm because of it. I didn't need anything more stressful or annoying and he is both. I paced back and forth bitting my thumb feeling uneasy again. I heard a knock on my door and I ran to it I opened it to reveal a man giving his back to me I felt confused.

I tapped his shoulder when he turned around I froze at the sight of him and he tensed up at the sight of me. 'Oh my god... I can't believe it' He gulped and looked me up and down. I am wearing a tight black sleeveless shirt my boobs popping out a bit. Hey DD's are annoying as fuck. And I wore a short a tad bit baggy black jeans. My hair is lose in a messy way as he stared at me and me at him.

He had a dark blue skin like sleeveless shirt his abs noticeable. Piercing blue eyes and he wore glasses like always. He wore leather pants with chains and many pockets the pants were a bit baggy. He wore combat boots with some kind of chaind and spikes on the side. He looks like a bad boy. His messy black hair is a bit longer the last time I saw him.

"Karin..." He whispered my name

I felt a shiver run down my spine but I spoke a bit raspy "Zaquery..."

He was right there standing in my door tears streamed down my eyes. He came back! He came back! I jumped on him hugging him tightly to me he was paralized I know but he hugged me back as tightly as he could. I stopped hugging him and I pulled him inside he looked at me with glassy eyes.

He fell on his knees as he hugged me his head was on my stomach rubbing it back and forth. I hugged his head as I let tears stream down my eyes.

"Am sorry that I left..." He whispered out

"Is ok... Your here... Your back" I spoke out raspy and with joy

"K-Karin I have bad news" he spoke out

I stared at him as he stood up he pulled out two things a note and a package. Tears fell down as a storm in the ocean. I grabbed it nicely and it had dads signature.

"Y-Your dad is in a coma... I f-found him in a crash..." He spoke out my heart stoppdd "H-He told me to give that to you"

I opened the card and its tge deed of the house and a note apologizing to me for everything. I gasped out a sob as I fell on my knees Zaquery fell with me as he hugged me tightly to him. I am crying hard know. My heart ached so much he rocked me back and forth as he let me to cry.

I covered my eyes trying to stop the tears from showing. I didn't like showing weakness but right know I just broke down. I then covered ny mouth and bent down a bit I am know hiccuping tears still cascading. I felt useless. I should have stopped him. I should have said good luck. I should have gone with him.

The tears kept coming down Zaquery held me in place still rocking me back and forth helping me soothing me slowly. My soul broke at the thought of father not waking up or smiling that goofie smile. Or singing on road trips my heart ached so much I just didn't know what to do. He is what I have left. His everything to me. He can be annoying but his my annoying dad and I wouldn't change it for the world.

'Mom please don't take him... Not yet... Please not yet' I begged in my mind as I pleaded and wished for him to wake up again. I just want to be with him more. Give him happiness show him that I still love him and am with him. Please let him live. Please let him be ok. PLEASE.

I don't want to lose him to his all I have left. He needs me to be happy and safe. He needs to be alive and happy as well. I want to be there for him. I want him by my side. His all I have left. His my only father. Please I need him with me. My tears got worse. My hiccups as well.

"Is ok Karin... He will be alright... I know it... He is strong and he loves you he will never leave alone... I'll be here... I'll stay with you until he gets better... I promise" he promised and everything

When he promises something he always keeps his promise. His words made me feel a bit better as I lay my head on his chest listening to his calm heart beat. I hugged him and took in a deep breath calming myself a bit. My tears had finaly stopped but my hiccups didn't all I felt was joy and sadness.

Joy because he is here with me protecting me like when we first met. Sadness because I want to make dad feel better open his eyes to see his tearful happy daughter and his favorite donuts. Oh how dad loves his donuts. It is decided I will visit him every day when he wakes up I will give him those red sigary donuts and the donuts with glaze on them. I looked at Zaquery who smiled at me I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips.

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