Fangs- 7

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Next day came along and I was excited to see her and tie a damn rope around her but her scent was nowhere making me feel uncomfortable. I saw the principal speak to the cook I tilt my head confused.

Me being snoopy I zooned into their conversation.

"You just need to get these things bring em to me and you have a week vacation..." My old friend said

"I just need more money to take care of my daughter..." He responded raspy

"I know Richard just do this and I'll double your check alright" he responded as he lay his hand on the cooks shoulder

"Oh thank you sir... It will be the only time I ask... Thank thank you..." The cook ran of with a paper in hands

I went to my old friends side and he spoke "You heard right?"

"Yep" I responded as I popped the P

He sighed and say "Poor man... Lost his wife his sister and an unborn child..."

"Really?" I am curiouse know epic

"Yep... Two of our rogues were captured in action in killing his sister another one escaped our secret prison found a gun and shot his daughter but only got a scar but killed the wife... And the unborn child well the wife was about to tell him the news but was to late..." He explained to me as he sighed again

"And the rest of his family what happened?" I asked

"One of my guards went to investigate and saw that all the family gave their backs to him and his child leaving him being a mother and father grandma grandpa and friend and sister..." A small worried look was in his eyes but tried hidding it

"So... Your helping the man?" I asked

"Yes he needs it... I was the same as him nobody helped me and everyone turned their backs on me only one stayed he has nobody just his daughter..." He says as he looks down

I felt the same family members dead before your eyes just one person to count on to make your day but still feel empty. I looked at him he is always there for me and cheering my day and he recieves the same thing so I lay my hand on his shoulder.

"You did the right thing..." I reasured him

He chuckled and looks at me and says "Aren't you happy?"

"Oh I am... And am greatly pissed of at my Beloved" I spoke between clenched jaw

He began laughing at me "Know that is priceless... Just be patient this girls in this state are all stubborn but when you speak dirty to them they get on all four an..."

"Dude school grounds we're in a school..." I chuckled at his pervy mind

"Oh who cares right know only one listened" He signaled to behind him with his eyes

I chuckled and glanced to see a brunnette with tan skin she looks skinny and almost flat. Not my style. He wiggled his eye brows and smirked he handed the key to me and I knew is the gym key it looks like a replica. He coughed and went to attend the brunnette. I rolled my eyes and headed towards my classroom. I feel like doing something today. 'Volleyball would be cool today...' I spinned the replica key to the gym. I entered and lay my suitcase down on my desk.

I looked at all the students she wasn't in here I scanned around but just ignored it. I smiled at them politely I grabbed the piece of sheat and began calling putting present and absent to the ones I didn't listen. I smirked just one absent and I will get her and put her over my knee and spank the girl.

I put the paper down and clapped my hands am in a good mood so I spoke "Lets go play Volleyball and Basketball"

The girls cheered at the mention of volleyball and the dudes nodded and cheered to each other. They stood up and began to go to gym but I was stopped by the blonde wanna be and her disgusting lips landed on mine. I felt like growling and snapping her neck but I pushed her away and stormed of so I can unlock the doors so the students can begin playing.

I wipped my lips with the back of my hand and I stared at the double doors ahead and I unlocked them. I opened the doors and the students divided into two groups going into different locker rooms. Girls to theirs and boys to theirs as well. I shrugged it of as I walked towards the gym. When I passed those doors a wave of warmth hit me earning a level groan escape from me. I will sweat and my beloved is not here to see how sexy I am. No. No. No. And NO!. What in hells name am I thinking?

I sighed as I looked around I saw another door and I opened it I saw three trash baskets and each had balls. One had mixed Tennis Balls, Golf Balls, Croket (Don't know) Balls, Baseballs and Softballs. The other was just mixed with Basketball and Soccer Ball and the last has Volleyball and Dodge Balls. I smirked as I pulled the one with Basketballs and Soccer balls with the one with Volleyballs and Dodge Balls inside it. The students began to appear and waited for me.

I smiled as I went to the far corner and watched them grab the balls. The Volleyball net is already placed so I don't need to get the spare. They all played happily. One boy slipped while playing but stood up and kept playing. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote To The Gym. I looked around to see if there is someone sitting down and saw Jey. So I called him told him what to do and he ran of towards my classroom. I sighed in complete bliss as I just watched.

My feet ached just watching the dudes play they needed one more by the looks of it. A few got tired and Garret called me so I complied and went and played. Everyone looked at me in awe as I scorred to my team. I was beginning to sweat so I removed my shirt ignoring all eyes on me. I began to dribble as I tried to score but was blocked I smiled at the competition so we began actually taking it as a competition.

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