(3) Sweet Arrivals

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I was fast asleep when my cell phone began rigning loudly in the quiet room, waking me from my dreams. "Uhhh... hello?"

"Oh, sorry if I woke you! I forgot about the time differences... But hey, my plane will be landing in thirty minutes, think you can come pick me up?"

"Cry, is that you?" I let out a soft laugh as I realized who it was. "It's like two in the morning... " Then I remembered that he wanted me to come pick him up at the airport. "Sure I'll be there. Just look for the guy in a bro fist shirt and sweat pants. Baaahiii!" I say this jokingly. Although I don't really feel like getting up and getting dressed, you would have to be stupid to meet someone for the first time dressed like that.

Apparently I am. I keep my bro fist shirt on, but I change into a light blue pair of skinny jeans, matching my orangish-tan shirt. I never really did identify what color it is. I grab my keys and walk out the door, heading straight for my car.

As I'm driving to the airport, I hit about all the red-lights possible. Once I didn't see the light turn green, because I was so pissed at the traffic timer, looking at the dashboard of the car and cursing under my breath. Only when I heard the car behind me honk it's horn did I see the green light, embarrassing me as I drove away.

When I looked back at the car that honked at me through the rear view mirror, I saw I had forgotten to comb my hair. God, I'm so stupid...

I reached for the glove compartment. I pulled out a small comb about the length of my hand and put on on the dashboard. I'll do it when I park, I don't wanna piss anyone else off... I pulled into the airport's parking lot, taking a few minutes to find a spot.

When I was done fixing my hair I got out of the car and looked at the time with my phone. It had been thirty-five minutes since Cry called. I sighed. "Good job, he probably thinks you forgot about him..."

It takes me even longer to find the right place. I find the lobby and sit down on one of the uncomfortable chairs. Thoughts that I rather wish would disapear start running through my head.

What if when I meet him in person, he doesn't like me anymore?

What if something, anything, goes wrong?

What if he doesn't like my car, or my house?

Ok, the last one was stupid, but I was pretty nervous about meeting Cry face to face. Or mask to face I realize, thinking of how Cry never shows his face to anyone. I started to get worried, thinking of even though I was late, I hadn't seen Cry anywhere. Although it was still early in the morning, the airpot was busy with people, walking around and trying to find one another, just like me.

Did he leave? Was he lost in Sweden?!

The stupid but panicky thoughts started to run through my head yet again. I was starting to fear that these things may be true when I looked over to my left and see the bathrooms. I wondered if Cry could have gone in there. I mean, he was on a plane for at least 10 hours. As my curiousity got the better of me, I found myself walking over to the men's bathroom to check, wanting to put these thoughts to rest.

But surprisingly, when my hand was toughing the handle of the door, the door opened to reveal a familiar face. Well, not a face, but a familiar mask. "Cry, I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Cry had been looking at the ground as he walked out of the room, but when he heard this he looked up, almost running into me. At first he seemd startled, but then he was overwhelmed with joy.

"Pewds!" The excitment in his vioce made him sound like a kid. "S-Sorry, you were late! I was on that plane for a while, and I just couldn't hold it anymore!"

"Dont worry about it Cry!" As I said this I leaned closer to him, and hugged him, banishing any distance between us. It was good to see Cry, I really needed a friend...


When I had gotten off the plane I waited for Pewds but didn't see him around. I was waiting ever so patiently when I realized I had to go to the bathroom. I decided if Pewds wasn't here by now I could go without him yelling at me.

I looked around for some bathrooms and saw some to my left. I rushed over and headed inside, hoping I didn't pee my pants before I got there. When walking out of the bathroom, I opened the door and nearly ran into someone while staring at my feet.

"Cry! I've been looking everywhere for you!" When I hear this I look up at the man I nearly just ran over. It wasn't just anybody. It was Pewds, my friend and the person I had been looking for.

"Pewds! S-Sorry, you were late! I was on that plane for a while, and I just couldn't hold it anymore!" I say this for two reasons. One: It was true. Two: I didn't want to take the blame for us not being able to find each other, even though it was basically both our faults. I didn't really care that it was a bit selfish of me, I was just happy to see him.

"Don't worry about it Cry!" I didn't have time to respond before he hugged me, and I totally didn't see it coming.

Although I thought I about hugging Pewdie earlier, to actualy do so was different. For some reason I found myself blushing, and I was actualy speechless when he pulled away. I think I enjoyed that hug a little to much, because my breathing was noticably a little bit heavier. I found this odd for just hugging my best friend. Ok, I wasn't used to physical contact as much as everyone else was. I mean, I barely leave my house half the time and wore a mask on my face! I hope he doesn't notice...

He did.

As he pulled away from my grasp I saw curiousity in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He probably didn't want to embarrass me. I started to wonder just what he was thinking when he interupted my thoughts, his curiousity turning into concern.

"Hey Cry, you look tired... why don't we head back to my place, so then we can both get some rest?" Now that he mentioned it, I was pretty tiered... those airplane seats don't work woth shit. "That would be great, friend. I didn't sleep well on the way over, so..."

He smiled and motioned for me to follow him as he lead me out of the lobby. We passed a few stores and places to eat, and my stomach growled softly as the smells wafted towards us. I was hungry, but it seemed bothersome to ask Pewdie to stop for food when I could probably just eat something at his place. I was trying to keep up with him, but then something colorful caught my attention.

An ice cream palor? Screw waiting for home.

"Pewds! Can we stop and get ice cream?!" He turned to look at me and I saw amusment in his eyes. I don't think he expected me to want to stop for a frozen treat. "Sure, why not?" He followed me as I ran into the parlor, looking at all the flavors and tables, trying to decide where to sit and what flavor to get at the same time.

I decided to sit at the bar, and soon Pewdie was sitting next to me. It took a while to look at all the flavors but we ordered soon enough, and I was rather happy when my plain strawberry cone arrived. I didn't pay attention to what Pewds ordered. I just started licking mine the second it was in my hands.

I love ice cream, especially strawberry...


~Pewdie Pov~


I was leading Cry to my car when suddenly I heard an excited voice from behind me.

"Pewds, can we get icecream?!" I laughed a little, amused by his sudden interest in the parlor we had just passed. "Sure, why not?"

As soon as I said this, Cry runs inside and sits at the bar, almost drooling as he stares at the massive board of flavors. He must really like icecream... Cry quickly orders a strawberry cone and attacks it as soon as it's in front of him, licking it furiosly. I'm laughing inside when I get an idea, well, not an idea, but when I think of something I probably shouldn't.

"Cry, how can you lick that fast? Practiced much?" He stops mid lick and almost chokes. "W-Wha...?"

I laugh so hard I barely notice as my own icecream is placed in front of me. Cry blushes and just stares at his lap, not even bothering to look at his strawberry cone anymore. "Sorry Cry, I didn't mean to embarrass you..."

He looks at me and smiles.

"Don't worry about it Pewds!" He then returns to licking his icecream, much slower this time. I laugh again and start to eat mine. We eat in silence, just enjoying are cold treats in the early morning hours.

I finish my cone and see that Cry hasn't finished his, even though he was half-way done when I got mine. That's when I notice his head is kinda bobbing up and down, as if he's trying not to fall asleep. Cry looked exausted.

"Cry, come on. You look beat!" He just nods and follows me out of the parlor, throwing his cone away as we passed a trash can. Jeez, I didn't want to embarrass him so much that he didn't eat... It was funny, but still... I'm so mean...

Im pretty sure Cry doesn't even remember getting to the car. He kept tripping and stumbling all over the place, and it almost looked as if he was drunk. I had to help him into the car, but even that was a challenge. We drove back to my place in almost complete silence... that is, if it wasn't for Cry's one statement.

"No..." He said, looking over at me with tired eyes. "Huh?"

"In answer to your question, no... I don't practice... I just love icecream... and maybe a bit too much." He smiles at me and I start laughing. "K, Cry... whatever you say..."

We are now both laughing as I park the car in front of my apartment, and I have to help Cry up the front steps. He leans on my shoulder almost the entire time and I blush, but I think he's to tired to notice. When I finally got him inside I helped him to the couch, and I think he fell asleep the instant he touched the cushions.

"Welcome to my pad, Bro."

Romance to Bromance; A PewdieCry FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now