(34) Playgrounds

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  • Dedicated to MegaTheSurfer


~Pewdie Pov~


When Cry and I left the house, I walked down the front steps and to the car, Cry soon to follow. We both got into the car, and Cry started to explain what he wanted to do today. He mentioned the small things he saw on his trips to the grocery store, the only time he had really left m... our house...

"Well, when I walked to the store, I saw a park that looked interesting... I mean, they had swings! I wanna go play!" His enthusiasm was starting to rub off on me, so I couldn't help but laugh at him. He just kept smiling.

"Ok, ok... We can go to the park, and guess what?" He looked at me, curious. His eyes were hidden behind his mask, but I knew they were bright and questioning."What?"

We were stopped at a red light, so I turned and looked right into the eyes oh his mask. "They have a snack bar, one that serves ice cream..." He flipped.

"WHA...?! HURRY UP AND DRIVE WOMEN!!" I giggled, loving the way he could be so childish at times. But seriously, how could someone love ice cream so much? It's just a frozen snack... I prefer candy myself.

We drive in silence for the rest if the way, except that for a small noise that could be heard from Cry shifting anxiously in his seat. We were almost there. His head kept turning to look out the window, and he started to get restless as I pulled into the small parking lot.

"Come on! Lets GO!" He got out as quick as he could, running over to my side and practically dragging me towards the small building. It was off to the side of the playground, so it wasn't long before we reached the snack bar. No one was there, so he immediately got to order.

He ordered strawberry... I looked at him kinda funny. That must be his favorite. He ordered that at the airport, too...

As soon as he got his cone he was off, running across the mulch to a pavilion not far away, on the other side of the playground. I ran after him, and when I arrived he was happily licking the cone like nothing could bother him. I sat next to him. I didn't get ice cream because I didn't really want any... So I just watched Cry eat his.

I'm pretty sure he noticed me staring, but he just continued to lick the frozen treat. His gazed only left it once as he devoured it. Yep, I'm gonna have to buy a lot of ice cream with Cry living with me. Especially strawberry. And he shall love me for it.

I sighed. I started thinking as I watched Cry, and my thoughts seemed to wander every where.

Today was Cry's first day around town, so I had to make it fun for him. I had to make sure he had a good time. I wanted him to stay in this place with me, after all... But if he decided he didn't like it I would go with him anywhere. Because I love him.

A cough interrupted my thoughts, and even though I had been looking at Cry, I hadn't noticed that his gaze was resting on me. He had coughed to get my attention, which was weird since my focus was already in him. I must have been zoning out... He was done with his ice cream...

When I realized I still hadn't said anything and was just staring, I turned my head to look away, blushing slightly. "W-What?" He giggled. "Oh, nothing..." He tilted hid head to look at the playgroung equipment, and I looked at him, now curious. He looked back towards me, a smile appearing behind his mask.

"Bet you can't catch me!"

He took off running faster than I could have imagined, heading for the jungle gym in the center of the park. I got up and ran after him, and watched as he ran up a metal slide. I tried to follow, but it didn't end so well...

Romance to Bromance; A PewdieCry FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now