The Thunder

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Spencer hadn't spoken to you since that night in your apartment. You didn't really care. All you could think about was being stuck. You were stuck again, back to square one. Flinching at doors slamming shut, hands shaking, sleeping with the light on and dreaming about Claire again.

"Hey you okay?" Tara asked walking by your desk

"Yep I'm fine" you felt your hands begin to shiver so you shoved them into your lap

"You have just been acting different" she furrowed a brow

"Tara I promise that I am okay, just a little angsty" you lied

You hadn't lied in a while, last time you lied about this topic it ended with you getting fired. "I have been a lot more tired lately, I'm fine"

"Okay" she nodded and walked away

You pushed the previous thoughts you had away and directed your focus onto your paperwork.

"It's really coming down out there" footsteps approached your desk, looking up you saw it was Luke

You slowly turned your head to look out the windows in the distance, it was pouring outside. "Yep, do you mind I'm working"

"Perdón, parece que la princesa esta de mal humor" he mumbled under his breath

"No me llames princesa y no estoy de mal humor" you looked back down at the papers in front of you and continued to casually write, you glanced up for a second and looked back down. Luke was basically burning holes into your skin with his eyes, mouth agape "Se te va a meter una mosca no quieres cerrar la boca"

"Y-you speak Spanish?"

"Does it really look like I have no flavor?" you murmured "I grew up speaking Spanish"

"Well I didn't know that" he rocked on his heels and you looked back up

"Know what" this time it was Spencer nearing your desk

"Y/n speaks Spanish" Luke commented

"Oh I didn't know that either"

"Well I never tried talking to you guys in Spanish because all of you sound like a bunch of gringos looking for directions in a foreign country" you giggled

"Now that I agree with" Luke smiled

Spencer smiled and turned to Luke "Can I talk to her for a second"

"Sure" look mumbled and walked away

Spencer leaned over your desk causing you to lean back into your chair so you weren't too close. "Can we talk"

"About?" you looked into his eyes, there you were again. Your feelings for Spencer wouldn't go away

"The other day, I just wanted to make sure you were okay?" he spoke in a hushed tone in order to prevent anyone else from listening in

"I'm fine" you forced a smile and looked back down at the paper work

"Alright" he back away from your desk and returned to his own

You could finally sit back and focus on your work. But you didn't. Every word you read on the paper didn't process in your brain. The only thing your mind occupied were John's words. I just wanted to make sure you knew this was your fault. The rain against the windows was louder and you wanted to focus on that, for a moment you did. All you heard was the rain but then you heard his words over power any other thought you had. You drowned in your own filth didn't you, not only did you let that little bitch die, you also became an addict

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