Chapter Seven

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"Manuela's staying here in LA so trust me she won't have a problem with it plus it's snowing there now has Liv ever seen snow." shacking my head no I laid down placing my head on shoulder, I wanted to tell why I left there in the first place but I knew he'd look at me differently. "Well, I don't know well I mean I would have to think about it, how long till you leave ?"  holding his head back he looked up at the night sky, "Two days we'll go it can be a little home coming for you and you can show Liv where you come from and we'll I can show you my world." letting out a deep breath he looked back down at me I could see it in his eyes he really wanted me to say yes. "What if some one takes pictures and it gets to the press them I am a homewrecking whore I can't go through that I can't put Oliva through that." closing his eyes for a moment he leaned down and kissed me quickly, "It's not like that for me back at home everyone is respectful of my privacy that's why I want to take you there show you a good time show you me and you show me where you come from, I was talking to your brother about it and you know he was alright with coming with you if you do decided to come." Prince tried to bargain make it appeasing to me. 

"Alright." seeing a happy smile appear on his face I could tell that Prince liked getting his way but I know that with me it won't happen all the time but seeing this happy did something to my heart. "So why are you leaving Manuela here alone ?" I asked not really saying what I want to say I mean come on does he even know that his wife is sleeping around on him, "Me and you are going to take some time away from each other she can do her and I am going to do me you know." looking in his eyes I could tell he loved Manuela but he wasn't in love with her, and that doesn't mean that he's in love with me but I think right now his heart is in a state of confusion. "You aren't happy." looking at me he just looked confused, "I am alright love I am in the best space." lying I knew it, "Prince that wasn't a question it's a fact you aren't happy like I told you your lonely and it hurts." looking in his eyes I knew something was wrong but he didn't want to talk about yet so I just let him be.

"I don't want to be alone," he spoke after awhile of us just sitting in silence, "I thought if I got married and had this big family well that I wouldn't be any more and I mean when my first marriage went down the drain and we lost two children, well I guess I thought I just married the wrong one and in walked Manuela and we shared so much I mean I felt like she really was the one and yeah we had our up's and down's all relationships do but I just feel like she's with me for the benefits and I know that she may love me but she's not in love with me, I want to be loved I mean really loved don't I deserve that I mean yes I have my problem and I can be hard to deal with but I want real love if all this fame and fortune went away I want a women that'll still love me as if it was I want to wake up in the morning laying next to someone who needs me just as much as I need them to love me with heart mind and soul." looking into this man's eyes there was a lot of hurt there was a lot of emptiness. "My dad use to tell me all the time never get married, never have children, and to his distain well I want both I want a wife who loves me and I want kids to love and nurture, maybe I am destined to be alone," again he started laughing to try to cover up the fact that he was hurting I know opening up for him wasn't easy but I'll never judge him and I'll always be here to listen.

"Well I can't tell you the future and I don't know what it holds for you but babe you just got to hold your head up and surround your self with people who really love and care about you and If you don't know where to start there is a little girl down there is now and forever your biggest fan since you got her a cat." laughing he kissed my cheek, "And what about her mom do have her support ?" looking down I felt my face flush completely red, "I mean she might be on the road to becoming a fan." looking in my eyes I saw a spark fly across them, "You are something special Serenity." standing up I grabbed his hand leading him back inside through the window, I noticed Terrance had left and Liv was still in the living room playing with her new pets, Zeus was sniffing around Lola while Spot was exploring his new home, "I am going to have to find a kennel for them to stay in when we come with you to Minneapolis." Turning around I saw the biggest smile on his face, running over to me he picked my up swinging me in his arms cause Liv to start cheering and the dogs to start barking, "Woo who!" Liv shouted to the top of her longs she didn't even know what was going on but she was excited.

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