Chapter Fifteen

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"Well shit girl you love him that obvious I mean hell Stevie Wonder can see it." Jess laughed over the phone after I told her what had happened six weeks ago. "Okay and being in love with him doesn't mean anything when he's married to Manuela you saw the way they where all over each other a few weeks ago come on girl I am not dumb he ain't leaving that women he's not they are clearly in love." I could hear her groaning over the phone, "Girl trust me that's all for show them two haven't been living together let alone in the same space long enough to... you know what  let me just tell you the God's honest truth is the two of them fight more that cats and dogs they can't stand each other and are just holding on to see if there is anything left in there marriage worth fighting for not to mention this is P's second go around you honestly think he want to go down with two failed marriages ?" taking in her words she probably had a point I mean Jess told me how ugly his first marriage got and, he himself told me how quick he jumped into things with Manuela. 

Thinking back to when he used to come to the club and just sit in talk with me as Peter well he didn't want to lose another marriage but I honestly didn't know what was going on behind close doors with the two of them. "Jess that may be the case, but the question is if he's not happy and he knows that there in infidelity on both parts why not just call it quits ?" hearing her letting out a deep breath I knew from that there was more to this than an unhappy marriage, "Ren it's not that simple." Walking back inside from the patio Oliva sat at the kitchen table reading. "Not that simple he's married to her even though he ain't happy and he's fucking around with me but wants to be mad cause I want a man I don't have to share yeah Jess that's really complicated."

"I swear you two are more alike than you think, both of yo assess is so far gone it ain't even funny." Rolling my eyes at her bluntness before I could speak I heard Olivia coming outside talking to some one feeling the phone being taken out of my hand to my surprise there stood Prince, "Hello, mmmmh, Yes Jess I know she'll call you back later." Hanging up then tossing my phone next to me, "Go upstairs and pack you a bag for about two nights." I know this man who's been MIA six weeks didn't just come up in here telling me what to do and I know damn well he ain't just hang up my phone. "Olivia go up stairs for me," looking confused my daughter followed instructions with out any talk back.

"You don't get to come up in my motha fu-" before I could even get it out this man had me pressed against the house giving me the most demanding kiss. Breaking it he placed one hand on my backside and the other around my neck, "I done told you to quit all that cussing, you are to beautiful for words like that to fall from your mouth now go upstairs and pack the cars is waiting outside now go." moving his hands off of me, before my mouth could open to tell him to go screw him self my feet some how began to move upstairs, to pack. "So you seemed to have forgotten you stance on I am not going with him I am done with him he's married all it took was a kiss and you bend over." turning there stood Jessica in all her blonde glory, "I didn't know you where back in town." smiling I ran over hugging her. "Prince flew me in so I can watch Oliva while you two run off into the sunset, now let's get you packed." smiling she went into my walk in sorting through some of my clothes, "Now way you are definitely packing this little number and I promise you, well you'll be pregnant when you get back." looking at the out fit she pulled out I most defiantly will not be wearing that.

"How come you never wear this girl I mean it is hot ?" looking at her I went and pulled out a simple dress, "I wore it at the club and well other than that it's been hiding in the closet." looking at me like I was crazy she pulled it back out and tossed it in my luggage. Once getting packed and saying good by to Oliva Prince rushed us out the door and into the back of his limo. "So your not going to tell me where your forcing me off to against my will." being met with silence I decided to just toss on my shades and take a little nap I was beyond annoyed by this crap. He gets mad at me for my choice then to add insult he just pops up to take me on some mystery trip. Not caring to stay awake I decided to just sleep until I get to where ever it is his taking me.

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