Twenty Eight

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The New Year had come and gone and Prince and Oliva where busy as ever Prince with his music and Oliva getting ready for her first movie. "Mom these shoes are to small I don't even like the color." rolling my eyes we'd been in here shoe shopping for an hour this little girl is so damn picky. "Oliva if there to small just go and pick out some that will fit." groaning she walked back over to the shelf looking for her correct size, when my phone started going off like crazy. Pulling it out I was hit with so many news alerts sent by my brother, Charity and Donna all relating.

Prince locks soon to be ex wife Manuela Testolini out of home Testolini files for divorce

Manuela Testolini reportedly has filed for divorce from her Purple Rain legend Prince just weeks after the release of his anticipated 3121 album.

Not wanting to read the rest of it I picked up the phone to call Prince but got to answer, calling Kirk he answered on the first ring. "Look it's a mess Ren and he's pissed right he's locked him self in the studio." great way to answer the phone running my hands through my hair I couldn't believe she's do this Prince just released his album and now he has to deal with this shit.

"Listen I have Liv here at the mall with me right now give me a few minutes and we'll be over the just make sure he doesn't hurt him self." hearing him talking to some one in the background before he got back to me, "I got to go Ren but please hurry I know he's not taking this to well at all." hanging up I quickly grabbed Oliva the shoes she wanted and paid for the clothes she wanted as well and we made our way back to Paisley.

Kim met me at the door, "Girl that man it's happy he just snapped in the middle of rehearsals and went and locked himself in the studio he won't open the door." I felt so bad nodding I left Liv with Kim going to the studio to talk with Prince. Not bother to knock I know he would come to the door on his own so I just went inside the place was trashed. Music sheets thrown all over the floor the drum set was in pieces and his keyboard tossed across the room and there he was sitting against the wall with his head hanging down. "If you value your job I suggest you get out and get out now." he mumbled. "Well it's a good thing I don't work for you." sliding down next to him I placed my back against the wall.

Raising his head he turned to look at me his eyes where puffy and red from crying, "Serenity I don't want to talk about it I really want to be my self right now." letting I a breath I made myself more comfortable, "Alright we don't have to talk let's just sit here together I am not leaving you alone like this Prince." taking his hand in mine I kissed the back of it, "Ren I don't want to fight with you but can you please just leave me alone right now." his voice breaking let me know that he really didn't want to be alone.

I know in retrospect most people think I should be swinging from the rafters right now full of joy because now there finally getting a divorce be I couldn't bring myself to do that. I know Prince loves me but there is love for Manuela there had to be but for her to divorce him right after the release of his album well it's just a mess. After awhile of just sitting there quietly together he spoke up, "You know you don't have to be here Ren I know your inwardly really happy about this." shaking my head I let out a deep breath.

"Surprisingly I am not happy you know I thought in this moment I'd be but I am not." resting his head on my shoulder we just looked around at the mess he'd made in the studio. When out of no where we both started laughing I mean really laughing like maniac. We laughed so hard and for so long I didn't even know why but it felt good just the to of us sitting on the floor laughing like to complete idiots.

"Well it's good to see you two laughing but umm this place looks a mess." looking up there stood Kirk, Kim, Charity, Vi and Chris. The two of us looked at them then back at each other before busting out laughing again causing Charity to join in I don't even know what was funny but I guess the lord saw that we all just needed to laugh right now.

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