Twenty Seven

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Pain he made sure that's what I was feeling as he dragged me by my hair into the kitchen tossing me on the floor as if I was a wet rag. But continued to think of Prince I know he's probably going crazy looking for me right now. "Your worthless!" he shouted picking me up to stand on my feet, he'd ripped my beautiful gown to shreds and made me where a simple white t-shirt now covered in blood and a pair of old shorts. "You know all of this could have easily been avoided if you'd only just listened and got rid of the insect of your." taking a bottle he started to pour him self another drink, "That thing you call a child is a sin unto the Raku." I couldn't believe this man talking about the Raku but he was right about one thing my child wasn't from the Raku Oliva Charlotte Sims was a gift from God a blessing from heaven in my life and her life is the only reason I hadn't put another bullet in his head.

Feeling a hard slap go against my face my body hit the cold floor again, "Answer me when I talk to you Andre!" feeling my body being dragged into the living room I knew me not screaming was only pissing him off even more but what he didn't know is at this point I'd gotten used to him sad to say but it's the God's honest truth. Turning his back to me getting on the phone crawling quietly back into the kitchen grabbing a knife making sure to listen so that he was still on the phone.

Going back into the living room I limped over quietly there was only one way I was getting out of this and it wasn't going to be an easy one. Closing my eyes for a moment I could hear her voice the same voice that encouraged me to shoot him, Violet wanted blood and she was going to get it today.

Watching as he hung up the phone, he didn't turn around thankfully, "You think I enjoy beating you huh you think I like it I paid good money for you took you off the streets, when I have to punish you it's like destroying a perfectly good investment." coming closer behind in being able to move in silence is something I am grateful I learned to do when I was younger. Pulling my arm back I stabbed him right in the side causing him to fall to his knee like the bitch he is. Screaming in pain he looked at me with so much rage, "You fucking bitch how dare you do this to me," whipping blood from my nose with the back of my hand squatting down in front of him. I turned the knife into him deeper but not to where it'd kill him no he was to good for death plus it wasn't his time yet.

"You don't own me no one does understand me if you come near me again I wont hesitate to put a bullet in your mother fucking chest this time, and you tell those bitch made parents of mine it's in there best interest to stay the fuck back." even though I was in pain I stood straight up spitting on him as he laid there groaning in pain, leaning down I pulled the knife out looking at the blood on it, "Consider this my buy you sick prick." and with that I grabbed some slides and some keys limping out of his house.

Walking back home was pure agony but something in me had clicked at this point and pain was the last thing on my mind I just wanted to get to my daughter.

By the time I made it back I was bone tired and freezing cold, the blood on the wife beater had dried up and the cuts and bruises on my legs where still stinging but I continued limping into the house. Vi and my brother's car where parked out front so I knew there was no sneaking around this. Making my way inside there they sat calmly in the living room with Prince, Oliva, Will, Chris, Charity and Donna.

"Mommy." and then it all went black.


Terrance laid her on the couch looking at her all the rage I had disappeared she was covered in blood beaten and looked as if she'd been through pure hell. "Who would do this to her ?" shaking his head Terrance punched a hole right into the wall, "Tee calm down." Charity and Donna said in unison, "I am not losing her again I am not!" storming out the room Will went after him, taking a deep breath Vi turned facing me and Oliva, "I need you take Oliva with you to Paisley now this for your own good and I don't need you to fight me on this I just need you to get you and Oliva out of here now I will explain-"

"No way you can not honestly think I am going to leaver her here like this Vi I can't." shaking my head she placed her hands together holding them to her mouth looking over to Oliva, "Prince this is for your own good now take Oliva and go." looking down at Oliva she was right what ever it was Oliva doesn't need to see her mother like this. "Only for her well only for you all need to start talking to me now." kneeling down to Oliva's level she just looked at her mother laying motionless on the sofa, "Livy." shaking her head no I just took her hands in mine, "I promise you mother will be alright now run upstairs and toss on some shoes and grab your coat." nodding she moved around me going to place a kiss on her mothers forehead and walked off with out a fight it worried me that she wasn't crying, "Prince you need to keep and eye on her alright please just give us sometime it's nothing for you to worry about just go." Vi placed a kiss on my cheek walking away to tend to Serenity, I don't know what's going on but I wanted answers but know I need to focus on Oliva.


I don't know how long I was out but I was just thankful to wake up in my own bed, my body was completely soar but I felt good for stabbing that son of a bitch. "How long ?" looking to my side there sat Terrance, "Not long but you don't have to worry-"

"Worry don't you dare tell me what I have to worry about women you and I both know that this you coming in here covered in bruises and blood he saw you Serenity, Prince saw you and he's going to want answers and this time you need to tell him the truth." despite the pain I sat straight up pressing my back onto the headboard, "I'll tell him in my own time Terrance but you don't need to worry about this you don't say a fucking word." shaking his head I knew he wasn't having it, "Fuck that you here me you know what there like Ren, Violet who ever the hell is in control right now but you need to think and think fast cause Prince is going to want answers and he's either going to get them for you or he's going to start digging and you and I both know damn well he's not going to like what he finds." standing he just looked at me shaking his head, "Call Livy it's been two day." and with that he walked out leaving me alone.

"Damn it!" tossing the covers back I moved off the bed going into my closet tossing on a hoodie and sweatpants. "What'd you do ?" coming in the kitchen there was Donna, "Nothing you need to worry about alright." shaking her head I notice the tears in her eyes, "You don't get it do you, whatever you've done is going to come back and fight us alright please just tell me and we can work this out come on please." shaking my head I didn't want to lie so I just let it be, "Nothing for you to worry about Donna, everything is and Will be alright understand me everything will be alright." running my hands through my black hair she just shook her head no at me.

"When are you going to realize your not walking this path alone we can help you we always have and always will you not just trying to survive anymore, Me, you Charity, and Terrance are not just trying to survive Serenity we are trying to live the life we thought was not possible and it's time you remember when one of us fight we all fight." standing she walked over placing a kiss on my cheek walking out room and all that could be heard next was the front door closing behind her. Using both of my hands to whip my face I didn't want to hold it all in but I know that bringing them into this epically after what I did Owen would be after me. Sitting down at the counter I placed my head into my hands, my father used to tell me all the time always assume there coming for blood in every battle there coming for blood and you go straight for blood to.

Getting up I shook off my worries I'd made my daughters life perfect I never wanted her too see me like this again and I refuse to allow my fears over Owen my parents or anyone else drag me away from that goal ever again.

Two days later Prince made his way home to me and Prince wanted answers, "You need to tell me what happen to you Serenity you came in here beaten and bruised messed up you need to talk to me." sitting on the bed I didn't want to lie to him but it's in his best interest to not know everything, "Prince I just had to much to drink at the party and I wondered off with a classmate and we went her place got into a fight her boyfriend was tripping it's nothing for you to worry about I promise." taking a deep breath he shook his head placing his hand in mine, "Don't ever do that to me again Serenity alright you had me so worried baby I can't lose you I can't." kissing him sweetly I didn't want to lie to him but its for his and everyone else's safety.

Author's note: I know, I know really short chapter I am sorry but it's a filler I promise the next one will be better. Please excuse all mistakes vote and comment and as always LOVE 2 THE 9'S.

If Loving U Is Wrong Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon