Chapter Nineteen

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"Wow, wow, I mean Serenity I am sorry alright I really sorry I didn't mean to make you dig all this up but you have to understand that-"

"Your just protecting him and now you know that me not telling him is me protecting him." my brother sat beside me in the booth looking to Kirk who was looking to both of us in unbelief. "I won't say a word not a word but you two need to make sure this doesn't effect Prince if you need anything you know you can call me." reaching his hand out across the table I took it, "Listen I know you only want what's best for Prince and so do I we haven't know each other but a few months and I can honestly sit here and tell you that I love that man enough to protect him and that means he can't know everything." nodding in agreement he moved his hand back taking a sip from his coffee setting it down calmly, "Now Kirk me and you haven't had an issue up until now my niece and sister or my number one priorities, now I need you to think very hard before you answer who did you go to get all of this." holding up the papers Kirk had brought that had tons of information about me on, "On her I need yo know there names Kirk because if you went and set off alarms on her I need to know."

"I mean I have a buddy of mine that's a PI and he just went and-"

"His name Kirk what is his name," my brother said starting to get aggravated placing my hand on his shoulder to calm him down I didn't want him to snap because of this and knowing Terrance he'd take the knife and show Kirk how serious this is. "His name is Tyler Hawthorn." feeling my world completely collapse, "Damn it!" slamming his hand on the table Terrance grabbed me by the arm pulling me up out the booth, "What he's been a friend of mine for years." Taking me straight outside Terrance put me in the passenger seat closing the door behind me and getting in the car, "I need you to think long and hard Serenity think is this man worth it is he worth blowing up the little life we've built." running my hand over my face I couldn't help but to see Prince how much he's loved and cared from me no matter how many times I've tried to push him away he's still there, for me and Oliva and after what happened last night with her calling her dad well I couldn't just take him away from her that would crush her. I was in love with him completely and utterly in love with him I didn't want to live with out him but if it came at the cost of getting him away from my bullshit then it might just before the best I also couldn't help think about the fact that he is still married. "He loves me and I love-"

"Is that enough Serenity, is that enough listen to me alright you can't just think with you heart right now snap back into the reality Serenity snap into it, love may not be enough, we know what type of person Hornstone is and the lengths he'll go to, to make our lives hell we have to think about Oliva now more than ever." Letting my brothers word way down from me, I loved Prince he'd done so much for me and Oliva I mean after last night when she called him dad I couldn't just snatch her away like that she'd ever forgive me. Not getting a response he began to drive in the direction of my house.

I didn't utter a word until we made it home, going into the house the two of us just sat there in silence, Tyler Hawthorne wasn't your average PI I remember him all to well age seven Terrance and me had enough of living with our lunatic parents and well we ran away but dad wasn't having that so he sent Tyler Hawthorne after us and well he didn't stop at bring us back he beat Terrance so bad, and me...."Hey are you listening to anything I am saying Serenity." snacking my head I looked to my older brother, who never usually showed me how afraid he was but right now I could tell this was sending him into a frenzy. "We need to get out of her a few days-"

"I can't Terrance Oliva's got school and the acting coach is coming down to start working with her and Prince I can't just leave town he'll worry about me everything will be alright I promise alright we don't even know if things will get bad." shaking his head he began to walk around pacing the floor, "Are you out of your mind do you not remember how ruthless that man is and you know him and dad are friends who's to say that he hasn't already told him come on you know what happens when all our skeletons from jumping out the closet." rolling my eyes he was right I hadn't seen my father in years and the last time we were together well it wasn't pretty not one bit, hens my two attempted murder charges. "He'll stay away we just have to hope that he'll stay away for the sake of everyone we hold dear." hanging his head he sat back down on the sofa, "We'll play it safe you and Oliva don't go anywhere with out protection do you still have..." standing I went over to my purse pulling out my gun, Terrance got it for me when I came to LA and I never went anywhere with out it. "I am always packing, if they come let them I am not afraid my little girl will not grow up afraid she won't be hurt like we where."

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