Chapter Twenty

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Waking up the next morning I didn't want to get up, Prince had already left out to Paisley said he had a meeting he couldn't get out of so he had to leave me alone. Laying on the bed I wanted to stay here all day and just forget everything else forget living forget my past just forget it all. Last night having that memory resurface did a number on me mentally I don't like remembering all those things my mother and father did to me I don't like remembering all the physical and verbal abusive the things they made me do it was like they didn't care like I was just a punching bag to take out all there frustrations on. "Mommy you need to wake up." Oliva spoke from the other side of my blankets, "Oliva I am not feeling good alright just make your self some cereal and chill out today." feeling the bed dip down beside me and the cover being pulled back from my head there sat my little girl. "What's wrong ?"

"I am not feeling good today alright Oliva." placing her small hand on my forehead she moved it around a little, "You don't seem to have a fever, does you throat hurt ?"

"No Oliva can you just-" taking her hand off my forehead she moved back from me, "Well you don't sound congested or sick so you have to get up." tossing the covers back on my head I prayed she'd just go away I loved her but today I just wasn't feeling it. Feeling her move off the bed I let out a sigh of relief, only to be met by the sound of running water from the bathroom keeping my head under the covers. Only to have them tossed back forcefully and ice water dumped all over my head, "Oliva Charlotte Sims ?!" jumping to my feet she backed up away from me not seeming to be bothered that I was about to jump on her, "You trying to give up on your self mom and I am not going to let you just like you push me when I don't want to go on I am going to push you." walking out my room with so much sass, "Again I am the parent you know that right ?" I shouted after her, "Then act like it !" she shouted back.

Once I was dressed and gotten myself something to eat some one was knocking at my door, walking over opening it there stood Manuela as usual dressed like she was ready for the runway. "Girl you know I was thinking," not even waiting for me to invite her into my house she just walked in going to sit at the bar in the kitchen. "Well hi how are you." I hadn't seen her in a while do to her being away on vacation or whatever but from what Jessica had told me she was in LA shacking up with that man since Prince kicked her off of all there properties. "You know me and you don't hang out enough I feel like I am around Diamond more than anything and her and Marcus are getting on my nerves at times." now that surprised me I thought Diamond was still trying to get with Kirk I didn't know she moved on to Marcus but that's Diamond for you always chasing the dollar signs. "Well you know I've been busy with Oliva, and school not to mention she's been taking acting lessons and is about to do her first movie just been really busy." nodding she looked at me up and down, "Are you alright ?"

"Yeah I am fine why do you ask ?" sliding her a wine glass and pouring it slowly she just continued to look me over, "I don't know I mean you look like crap that's for sure I can tell you had a rough night but there's this glow that's still about you," taking a sip of her wine she placed it down with a smirk, "Who is he ?" almost choking on mine she laughed, "Don't lie either Serenity I know that look your in love and he's making you happy so what's his name tell me about him." downing the rest of my glass I knew better than to tell this women it'd been her husband who'd brought this glow to me her husband who'd taken me to the home they once shared and had me watch as he changed the locks and almost set all her things on fire. "It's no one I swear I've just been you know going to school taking care of Oliva and that's what makes me happy I am finally on the right path you know." seeming to be satisfied with my answer she thankfully let go. "Well cheers to that you know I am happy your life can't be worse than mine that husband of mine well he just I don't even know every time where around he other well we're at each others throats don't get me wrong I love him but he's just Ugggh If things don't go his way then he throws a fit when he can't have his way and it's just annoying."

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