Chapter Ten

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I honestly didn't want to coming down from the sky literally but Prince instead this wasn't the only surprise of the evening, once we hit the ground I pulled my phone out to check in on Oliva but before I could even dial Charity Prince snatched my phone. "She's fine alright tonight you and not focusing on your her alright, she is fine, Charity and Jess got her alright now I am taking this the rest of the night now, come on." looking up my mouth instantly hit the ground at the sight in front of us this man is really pulling out all the stops for me.

"Shall we set sail," he smiled helping me up on the boat the captain and two member crew greeted us then quickly disappeared, looking around at this luxury yacht I noticed his symbol on the floor, as Prince handed me some champagne flute

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"Shall we set sail," he smiled helping me up on the boat the captain and two member crew greeted us then quickly disappeared, looking around at this luxury yacht I noticed his symbol on the floor, as Prince handed me some champagne flute. "Come look out at the horizon with me," taking my hand he led us up stairs to the upper desk and we sat down looking out at the sea as we moved through the waters. "This is beautiful," smiling he kissed my head as I took a sip of champagne non alcoholic thankfully. "Yeah sometimes I come out here alone to think clear my head when it gets to noisy." looking over at him I understood his brain was constantly working that's why it surprises me when he comes over at night to sleep he may think I don't know but I've seen him toss and turn at night trying to rest.

"I know it's hard for you to rest have you thought about-" shooting me a look that made me stop midsentence I remembered who I was talking to for a moment this man hated to been seen as weak and he hated to be fawned over. "So have you been looking at culinary schools yet ?" sitting down my glass on the table in front of us I stood up moving around the table feeling his eyes on me, as went over to the railing looking down at the water, "I don't know about going to school yet I mean yeah I've looked at a few school but the people that go there they've been in cooking classes the majority of there life's they've traveled explored different tastes and stuff I can't compete with them I only cook at home for Liv and everyone else but did you all every stop to think that everyone else may hate my cooking."  feeling his arms snake around my waist he turned my around to face him, "Stop that you know, Serenity you are your worst enemy I hear you talk down to your self so much, saying you can't do this, your not good enough for that, baby you have to understand that you are good enough start speaking life into your self."

Not able to meet his eyes, I didn't want to cry cause it would mess up my make up and I'd look a hot mess, "Hold your head up Serenity you are a queen and a queen can not hold up her crown with her head down under stand," peaking my lips he smiled pulling me back to our seat, "Look these heals are nice and all but my feet are killing me," laughing I pulled my heals off and put them on the floor as Prince moved my leg on to his lap and actually began to massage my feet. Most men refuse to rub someone's feet so for him to do it with out  complaining made my night from something so simple, "You truly are something amazing you know, and Oliva just adores you," nodding he continued to rub my feet, "And I adore Oliva she really is a amazing girl you know she's going to rock this world to something serious and she's got her mama that will hurt somebody if they try to stop her," taking a sip of my drink as one of the crew members brought over two plates of food for us.

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