Chapter Sixteen

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"So how'd you two land these big fish ?" Donna sat at the kitchen table stuffing her face like she hadn't eaten in weeks, "We're not in that business anymore Dee," Charity spoke up, "Well ain't this about a bitch here I am thinking you two are pulling a job I could get in on but you know what good for ya'll, so what you need me here for I was alright-"

"Stop it Donna you were living on the streets and working at the place to scrap a few dollars together don't think I didn't notice those track marks on your arm girl."

If looks could kill I'd be in the grave right now, "Oh so you think you high and mighty now huh, got your self out, got a nice how rich boyfriend a little girl and you judging me, ha, last I checked you used to have to same damn marks don't act fresh now your little boyfriend know that, and ain't that purple bastard married ?" I knew bringing her here was a risk but I couldn't bring myself to leave her on the streets I loved her she'd taken care of me and I did want to return the love. "Look don't worry about that alright we're not here to focus on getting you better and on your feet." looking at me like I didn't know what I was talking about she ate some of her food that I'd made.

"Serenity people like us don't get on your feet we can act like it but we always end up back on the ground look so what you doing back here anyway ?" looking between me and Charity her words stung me, "You ain't had to go there Donna she's better alright I am better ?" looking at me Donna just smirked, "You better so you done forgot what we used to do, huh you don't forgot to Charity, what they did to us, what yo daddy did to me so don't judge me for doing what I got to do to numb it, sitting here acting like everything is alright sitting her acting like ya'll better than me cause you living like queens nah fuck that we all was on the corner !" tossing her trey across the room she stormed out stomping upstairs, "Well you want to dig all this up now Serenity your the man one saying that you wanted to keep that part of your life away from Prince to keep him safe and now you want to dig it up." Cleaning up the spilled food all over the floor, "Charity it's fine ?"

"Alright well so what was with the impromptu trip with Prince I wasn't expecting you all back this soon." picking up my plate and going into the kitchen to wash it, "He almost burnt all of Manuela's things changed the locks on there home, he's done but I don't think he going to file for the divorce then we ran into Donna and well I just needed to come home, girl we thought Donna was dead, dead  girl that night we ran I mean we just well I don't know everything was just racked against us I couldn't let it happen anymore I couldn't." placing the plate on the dry rack Donna came into the kitchen sitting at the bar with Charity hearing the door opened and in walks Terrance, the four of us just lost in our thoughts, "I am not going to tell anything it's not my story to tell Ren if you want to help me then fine but you ain't going to sit here and treat me like I am beneath you guys."

"Donna we're not judging your survival we're not," leaning against the counter looking off, "We make choices for our survival we all did Terrance, Charity and me we all made our choices for survival and it haunts each of us in it's own way we all did what we had to do. 


Walking into my favorite class after school there stood my favorite teacher Mr. Hall he was nice let me mess around in the home-ce kitchen after school he was nice to me. I didn't have a father figure growing up or any man telling me that I was beautiful and he always did, I didn't really fit in at school no friends outside of Donna and Charity also my brother but he works now and it's hard for him to make sure I am okay now. Studying over some books from my other classes Mr. Hall came over sitting down beside me pushing some of my hair out of my face, "Where did this bruise come from ?" putting my hair back to cover it up, "Nothing just hurt my self on the stairs last night." lying has become second nature to me but my father says that the Rakudushis teach us not to lie and it's punishment if I do, but I am supposed to lie for him when asked why I missed school, lie about the bruises I had on my body lying is good when it protects him but lying for any other reason is wrong.

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