Twenty Six

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  "It's dark but classy." Charity smiled as I came out the back dressed head to toe I'd let Donatella talk me into dying my hair completely black, and the dress she'd picked out for me match totally different from the cracked out prom dress Manuela tried to get me to where not to mention she didn't have a problem showing off all my natural God given curves.

Usually I am not one to boast but I couldn't wait to see the look on Manuela and Diamond's faces when I walked in looking like a million dollars.

"Girl you know what I am going to tell you this now we need to stop and get you some plan B's cause there is no way Prince is going to keep his hands to his self

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"Girl you know what I am going to tell you this now we need to stop and get you some plan B's cause there is no way Prince is going to keep his hands to his self." Donna smiled doing a little dance as Terrance straightened his self up in the reflection of the limo.
"Well you know what we all look too good to be standing around here talking in a drive way let's go shut this thing down." smiling my brother took Donna's hand helping her into the limo, then Chris did the same with Charity, Jessica was already at the party.

The limo ride of course was fun in all but once we pulled up to the function my nerves kicked in, insisting that everyone go a head in with out me I sat in the back alone. Me and Prince had a long discussion about tonight how it would work he would be with his wife and I was just a friend of hers a guest. I know it shouldn't mess with me but well it wasn't that I couldn't accept the rolls we'd chosen it was just that I couldn't get over the fact that he was faking it for all these people there marriage wasn't a happy one but here they are all happy and in "love".

Hearing my phone go off I pulled it out of my clutch looking to see it was Owen I didn't have time for this mans bullshit tonight. "I need you to come with me to an event tonight and I need you to get over here now!" thinking of a quick lie I didn't want to run off and deal with what ever bullshit he wants so for the first time in our in all the years I'd known him I put my foot down. "I am busy tonight Owen so you can do what ever you need to do alone now goodbye." hanging the phone up in his face I'd take whatever punishment I'd just deal with it when it's time so I am going to go and have a good time tonight.

Tapping the window the drive helped me out walking onto the red carpet not wanting to stand for pictures I walked right inside the building was decorated beautiful, and there were celebrity's everywhere. Standing onto of the stairs to my surprise everyone looked up in my direction I didn't see Prince anywhere but everyone else noticed me walking down the stairs there where many mumbles from men and women. "Wow she's beautiful absolutely stunning, she's had to have work done, who is she, I love that dress," just to coin a few.

Walking around I continued to here conversations about me but I held my head high and continued too look for my friends. "Girl you are the talk of tonight." feeling an arm hook onto mine I turned seeing Jessica all dolled up, "I can tell everywhere I walk everyone keeps looking at me." leading me over to the other they all sat at a table talking and drinking, Taking a seat by with Jessica a waiter brought over a drive for me, "Sister don't you think you need to get a jacket or something ?" Terrance spoke up Charity wacked his arm, "Boy be quiet she looks amazing stop being so overprotective have you forgotten what she did for a living back in LA." laughing as the two of them fought back in forth, taking a sip of the champagne looking around when over came Donatella smiling ear to ear.

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