D-The Date

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"Thanks Marly, for helping me" Nico said "I'm really excited to get it all set up and show him"

"Hey it's no problem if you ever need help just come to me" Marly said.

Marly was a 5 ft tall female from the Aphrodite cabin. She had black hair and wore purple and blue makeup. It actually looked kinda pretty on her. Not that Nico found her attractive after all he was gay, but he just meant it in a friendly way.

Nico hurried over to the lake and started setting up their date. He was so excited to show Will what he had done. Once he had finished he ran off to his cabin and started getting ready.

Meanwhile in the Apollo cabin~

Will was so excited to see what Nico had done. Will had offered to help but Nico wanted to do it all by himself. Will just let him do his thing. He had to start getting dressed. Okay so let's wear the red and black flannel and the khakis. Will thought.Wait...I can't wear that on a date.

"UGH" Will screamed.

"What is it" a voice said. Will thought he was alone...who could that be? "Are you just going to ignore me Will?"

He turned around and he realized that is was his sibling Oakley. The reason why I say 'sibling' is because Oakley is gender fluid. Oakley had on a white shirt and green sweatpants but with the purple hair he looked kinda funny but Will didn't care. He loved Oakley, he was Wills favorite sibling.


"Lights" Oakley said with a smirk

"Whatever" Will said m, clearly frustrated

"I'm sorry Will, what's wrong"

"It's just that I'm going on a date with my boyfriend and I don't know what to wear" Will said. Then he realized he had said boyfriend. Did he want that? He asked himself Does he like me that way?

"Who is he" Oakley asked

"Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades" Will said dreamily

"SON OF HADES" Oakley yelled. Will quickly covered Oakley's mouth.

"Yes and are you trying to tell everyone"

"Sorry bro, and since when have you had a boyfriend"

"Well we aren't official but I want us to be" Will said kinda afraid of Oakleys reaction. He punched Will in the arm

"Oh my Gods, Wills got a boyfriend Wills got a boyfriend" Oakley taunted

"Oh shut it, now will you help me find an outfit"

"Sure bro" When they were done Oakley had Will dressed in a yellow, orange, and red flannel with blue jeans.

"Okay I don't hate it, thanks Oaks"

"Hey why do you sound so surprised I've been on a few dates myself"


"But that's another story, now go on your date"

"See ya Oaks" Will said while shutting the door.

"See ya" Oakley replied even though the door was already shut. Will remembered that they were having their date by the lake so he started sprinting in that direction.

It was dark when he got there but that just made it more romantic. Once he got there he say the most beautiful thing ever. It was set up under a tree. There were fairy light in the tree and there was a red and white plaid picnic blanket under it. There was a classical picnic basket on top of it it.

"Hey Will" a voice said from behind him snapping him out of his trance. When he turned around her realized it was Nico. He looked so...so...hot. He was wearing a black tux but with a rainbow tie.

"Nico you..you look so...umm"

"Don't finish that sentence I had Marly help me with this outfit"

"Nico I was going to say you look really cute"
Nico blushed so hard when Will said that, he looked like a tomato. "Did you do all this by yourself" Will asked, slightly surprised.

"Well ummm Marly gave me some tips but other than that...yea" Nico answered just before he grabbed Wills hand "shall we" both boys walked over to the tree and sat down.

"You know what" Will said "I don't really know that much about you"

"Really? Well, what do you want to know"

"Let's just play 20 Questions"

"Okay" Nico said as he snuggled closer to Will. "You go first"

"Ummm...do you know another language besides for Greek?" Will asked

"Yes Latin and Italian"

"Have you ever been on a date besides for this one?" Nico asked

"Ummm....I think it was a date but I don't know"

"Well what happened"

"Well I took them to an archery range and long story short we ended up kissing...but it was a really short kiss sadly I wish that kiss could have lasted for forever" Will said

"Oh" Nico said sadly as he sat up, backing away from Will slightly "who was this"

"It's ummm...well it's...its.."

"I-It's fine Will I'm just going to go" but before Nico got a chance to stand up Will said


"Wha...what" Nico said flabbergasted, absolutely forgetting about the first time they hung out for real.

"It was you Ni-" but he was cut off by Nicos lips. His soft lips tasted like pomegranate, and Will's heart fluttered as he Nico put his hands in the blonde's nape. Will pulled Nico into his lap and things got a bit more intense. Neither of them remember what happened next all they remember was that Will ended up on top of Nico. Before anything else could happen the harpy's showed up.

"Take my hand" Nico said urgently. Will didn't hesitate he took Nicos hand and they shadow traveled into the Hades cabin.

The End :) (Sorry not sorry)

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