L-Living...but just barely

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Will continued searching for what seemed like hours, that was until he found a trail of a red, almost brown substance. Until he realized what it actually was...it was blood.

"Is this...no it can't be...is it Nico's" Will muttered. He follows the blood trail until he sees it stop just before two fallen trees. In the shape of an X Sound Familiar?. He kneeled down by it and heard a sudden rustling sound coming from beside them.

"Hello?" Will asked. When he listened closer he saw...no...no it couldn't be...was that...Nico? "Nico..." he walked closer and he soon realized it was Nico. He had cuts allover his arms scratches on his face. He didn't appear to be breathing.

Will suddenly felt pain in his stomach, and not just a slight pain...but intense pain. He dropped to the ground and tears began to stream down his cheeks. He screamed in pain once he felt something get yanked out of him...it was a knife...he had been stabbed.

"Now now hun, if I can't have you no one can. ESPECIALLY not that TWIT son if HADES!" Someone from behind him said angrily. He was too dizzy to comprehend who it was but it sounded female. Then, everything went black.

TiMe SkIp 😙

Will woke up in the infirmary. He quickly realized what had happened and sat up, but winced due to the pain in his stomach. Kayla walked in seconds later.

"Morning sleepy head" Kayla said softly

"No time for that, where's Nico" Will asked urgently. Kayla was silent and looked down. "Kayla. Where is he" Will asked more stern.

"He's...well we don't know. He's barely breathing but as far as we know he should make it." Kayla said softly and quietly. Tears began to stream down Wills cheeks.

Then End~

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