T-"Turn of events..." [Will's POV]

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[A/N: this is continuing IMMEDIATELY after the previous chapter also ik these chapters are short and crappy, I apologize]

Nico gently put his arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest.

"To be fair, Marley helped me a bit..." I said with a nervous chuckle. Nico was silent. Was he okay? Did I do something wrong?

"Why...?" He asked quietly

"Why what?"

"Why did you do this?"

"Marley helped a bit, but-...I still feel really bad...I don't expect you to just automatically forgive me...but I at least want to try to make us go back to normal."

"Will-...you don't have to feel bad, we've been over this."

The thing is we had been over this more than few times...I still felt awful about it. Nico had been through so much and I felt awful making his life worse than it already was...

Nico suddenly put his arms around my neck, stood on his tip-toes and pulled me into a soft but passionate kiss. Then just like that, the world melted away. Nothing else had mattered. I gently put my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to my chest. I couldn't think of anything else. The only thing I could focus on was his soft and sweet lips. The only thing that mattered was that he was in my arms. But all too soon he pulled away.

"I love you" Nico said quietly, sounding slightly dazed. Gods I loved it when he said that. It still to that day gave me butterflies.

"I love you too" I replied before pulling him into another kiss, but a slightly rougher one. He quickly kissed back and just like that, once again, my mind cleared. That was all that mattered, him in my arms. I could have stayed like that forever. We stayed like that for a couple seconds before remembering that we needed to breath. When we pulled away we were both blushing and breathless.

"Wow..." I could hear Nico mutter. That caused me to blush profusely. Nico slowly let go of my neck and sat on his bed. I sat down next to him and held his hand. He quickly scooted over and sat in my lap though. I didn't mind of course, I always loved it when he was near me.

Nico looked into my eyes and gently cupped my cheek.

"Yes?" I asked with a soft chuckle. Nico gently kissed me on the forehead and put on the little smile of his that I loved. I loved it when he smiled because it didn't happen a lot. I smiled back and kissed him softly, intending for it to just be a single kiss. Instead he quickly kissed me again, but rougher. Of course, me being me, I kissed back, feeling the heat rush up into my cheeks.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door. We slowly pulled away and looked towards the door.

"I would hate to interrupt your make out session, but Chiron needs us." A voice said. Oh gods...it was Oakley!! He was DEFINITELY going to say something to the others.

Nico and I reluctantly stood up and walked out side. Chiron was standing in the middle of a circle of campers.

"I have some unfortunate news campers!" Chiron announced "I assume you all have met Maria? Well. She is missing. We don't know where she went, but she's missing and we need to find her. This is CERTAINLY a turn of events..."

[Is she dead? Is she alive? Comment what you think happened to her.]

The End.

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