O-Oh my gods...

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Nico was in his cabin blaring music. The lyrics were even able to be heard from the outside of the cabin. All of the campers were too scared to say anything, besides for Will. Once even the Apollo campers began to complain about his music they knew something had to be done. Chiron told Will to go tell Nico to turn his music down. So he did. He straight up walked into the Hades Cabin, but what he saw was horrifying. Nico. Laying in the middle of the cabin, in a pool of blood. Will quickly ran over to him and kneeled by the Son of Hades' unconscious body.

"N-Nico..." Wills stuttered as tears begins to stream down his cheeks and his usual happy glow fades. Then someone steps out of the shadows, and the music stops. It was none other that Maria. Daughter of Aphrodite.

"Now. Now. Calm down. He isn't dead." Maria said as if this was all a game

"Why did you do this?" Will asks looking at her. Maria has an evil grin on her face.

"because I love you. Don't you understand? I did this for us..." Maria says in a voice full of different emotions. "There IS a way I'll leave him alone...under one condition though. You break up with him and date me instead." Will picked up the bloody body of his boyfriend and began to cry harder. He couldn't believe someone could be so cruel.

"You're a monster." Will said with disgust in his voice

"Remember Love. He isn't dead." Maria said with a sickening smile.

Will was silent.

"I'll give you some time to think about it." Maria said as she walks out of the cabin. Will held the broken body of the Som of Hades, but as he cupped his cheek he soon realized what Maria really did to him. Nico had a large gash across his cheek, a cut going from his jaw to his collar bone, and many other deep cuts.

TiMe SkIp 😙✌️

By this time Nico was in the infirmary, he had bandages allover his wounds. Will was at his bedside and refused to speak to anyone. Nico slowly wakes up and looks at the upset looking Son of Apollo at his bedside. Nico slowly sits up and looks at him. Will looks at him and his glow brightens and he smiles softly.

"Wh-What happened?" Nico asked drowsily

"Maria. She's at it again." Will said quietly. Nico looked down.

"She must have heard I said something. T-This is all my fault. What did she want?" Nico asked worriedly. Wills smile faded

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." The blonde slowly faced him. "I can't do this anymore. We have to break up. I'm sorry, but this is too much for me." Will stands up and walks off. Nico just sat there in shock. He had lost someone more than just a boyfriend. Someone who had taught him to love again, someone who taught him what love WAS, and he had just left...that easily. He had no one left. He quickly Shadow Traveled to the Hades Cabin and sat on the edge of his bed. Tears soon brimmed his eyes and before he knew it, he was sobbing.

Heh...sorry...but just keep reading, it'll be worth it

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