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Nico's POV 😈

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine" Nico began singing. He was alone in the Hades Cabin and he liked singing...just not around people. "You make me happy when the skies are grey-" Nico got cut off

"Hey Neeks!" Will exclaimed bursting through the door.

"Ahh!" Nico screamed jumping up and facing him. "What was that for?!"

"Wait...where you singing" Will asked getting a bit closer to Nico

"U-um...no..." Nico lied

"Nico I'm not deaf I heard you singing.."

"With how loud your music is I'm surprised your not" Nico laughs.

"Okay, okay wise guy and what about YOUR music..." Will taunts.

"Alright, alright you win...." Nico says smiling a bit. "So not to be rude but why did you come in here it's seven in the morning"

"For training, Chiron wants us to go train..."

"Okay but can I put some clothes on first?"
Nico says looking down at himself remembering that he only has his skull pajama pants on and a My Chemical Romance shirt on.

"Oh yea (insert nervous boyfriend noises here)" Will said kinda embarrassed.

"Thanks and I'll see you in a few" Nico said just before he gently kissed Will. Blushing like crazy Will walks out and goes to the archery range. Nico just sighs and sits on his bed. Then he remembered Will was waiting for him. He stood up and put on his usual black skull shirt and black jeans then he walked to the archery range knowing Will would be there.

"Hey Sunshine" Nico said, sounding actually kinda happy, walking closer to Will.

Will was blushing harder than ever when he looked at Nico. Nico was confused Did I say something wrong? He thought to himself Why is he blushing so hard?

"U-um..." Will stuttered, putting his bow down.

"Will who is THIS?!" Oakley and a boy with ash blonde hair asked in unison.

"Adrian I swear to the Gods if you don't shut up" Will said looking at the blonde boy.

"Is he your boyfriend?!" Adrian gasps.

Nico blushed how could he NOT have notice Oakley and Adrian AUGH!!!!

"Wh-why...?" Will asked hesitantly, sounding almost nervous.

"Will I'm not stupid he's definitely your boyfriend look at yourself you're redder than Maria's hair!" Oakley exclaimed.

Maria was a new girl at camp. She was the daughter of Aphrodite and was a BIG flirt. Her hair was redder than the definition of red.Will had never met her but frankly he didn't want to...Nico blushed harder and walked closer to Will.

Adrian's POV 😒

Adrian backed away because he had heard of Nico Di Angelo and was kinda scared of him. He had heard he was very powerful and had anger issues.

Nico's POV 😎

"So what if I am...?" Nico asked as a general question

"So you ARE a couple?!" Oakley exclaimed Will nodded.

"Aww Wills got a boyfriend~" Adrian taunts

"Whatever...Nico did you want to shoot a couple of times.." Will asked looking at Nico

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