U- Unbearable

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Nico's POV 😌

I didn't care if she was gone or not. She could be dead for all I cared. I still hold a grudge against her. She tried to kill me TWICE and now I'm supposed to go look for her?! Yeah. I don't think so.

"Oh my gods..." Will had muttered next to me. I was confused, but I let it slide. An hour or so later, after getting all our weapons and stuff together, we all paired up and started searching for her. Will and I went together, Percy and Annabeth went together, Grover and Juniper went together, and Clarisse and Chris went together. Will and I went into the woods, probably not the best place to be, but I didn't care. I was with Will. I felt so much safer around him.

"This is taking forever..." I muttered.

"Hm?" Will hummed

"Oh, Nothing" I said slightly louder

I didn't want to be out here searching for Maria. I wanted to be in my cabin with Will. I was tired because I hadn't slept in a while. I know it kinda seemed pathetic, but I couldn't sleep at night. Even if Will came in there and later down with me...I was scared that...well...that this was a dream or something. I was scared that if I fell asleep...then when I woke up I would be alone again. It's pathetic I know...

"So, what do you think happened to her?" Will asked, taking me from my thoughts

"Oh, um...I'm not sure..." I said. I actually wasn't sure, but, in reality, I didn't really care.

"Maybe it was one of the Harpies" Will chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Will always put me in a better mood. The mood was all calm, and peaceful.

"GUYS HELP!" We heard somebody yell. Will and I both looked at each other.

"Sounds like its coming from the Archery range..." Will said in a nonchalant tone. We quickly ran towards there.

When we got there the first thing I saw was blood. It was everywhere. When I looked to see who it was...it wasn't Maria. It was-...oh gods no...it was Hazel!

"Hazel!" I yelled as I ran over to her. This sight was unbearable. I could barely hold back my tears...she looked as if the had been stabbed..multiple times. What used to be her radiant and beautiful dark skin was now a very pale shade for what is normally was. Her, normally purple, SPQR shirt was now a strange shade of brown because of the blood, most of it was spilling out of the middle of her torso after all. Tears were streaming down my face as I kneeled by her body. I wanted to check for a pulse, but my hands were too shaky, and I didn't want to hurt her further somehow. The next thing I knew, there were arms around me, pulling me back, and I began fighting against them 

"NO!" I yelled in protest "Stop!" I wanted to go back over to Hazel! I HAD to be with her.

"Nico...calm down" A voice said. I knew that voice all too well. It was Will. I turned around and hugged him, just letting my tears fall. I didn't know what else to do. I had lost almost everyone else. I had lost my Mother, Bianca, Jason, and almost Will. I couldn't lose her too!

Will's POV

It hurt so much seeing Nico as broken as he was. He had lost almost everyone he loved...I felt so bad for him. I had lost many people in my life, but they weren't as close to me as Nico was to his Mother, his sister, or Jason. I didn't know what I should do. I felt like I should have went to go help out with Hazel, but I wanted to stay there with Nico. 

Nico let go of me, covered his face, and crouched, sobbing. I felt awful. I knew it wasn't my fault, but I still felt bad.

Nico's POV

It was so embarrassing breaking down like this again. I hated it. 

"Please, go help her." I said, sniffling a bit. Of course I wanted to be near Will, but he was Hazel's best chance of surviving.

"A-Are you sure?" Will asked, sounding very unsure. I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face

"Yes...please.." Will did just as I had said. He ran over to Hazel and got to work. I couldn't handle it, I ran into my cabin, sat on my bed, curled up into a ball, and cried. I didn't know what else to do. I loved helping Will in the infirmary with the other campers, but I couldn't this time. I couldn't bare seeing Hazel like this any longer that I already had.

The End

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