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Nico's POV 😌

A day or so later I was still in his cabin. I was exhausted, after all, I hadn't slept in DAYS. I was laying on my bed, softly humming 'you are my sunshine'. A song that...well, that reminded me of Will. In reality I DID miss Will. I wanted nothing more than to be held by him and to be in his arms. I didn't want to get right back together with Will and just get hurt again. I seriously...well, love him. Yet feel like Will was just using me...

There was a sudden knock at the door.

I stopped humming.

There was silence.

"Nico?" Will said softly. Wait. Will!! It was Will! No. I can't think like that.

"What" I asked, sound more bitter than I intended.

"Will you open the door? Please?" Will asked quietly. Probably caught off guard by the bitterness in my voice. I got up, walked to my door, and opened it.

"What is it Solace. I don't have all day" I asked, avoiding looking at him.

"Will you please come with me?"


"You'll see...just...follow me" Will said, rather cheerful

"Fine." I said reluctantly. Will began to walk, so I followed. What does he want? I thought if he's trying this 'getting back together' crap AGAIN it's not happening. Suddenly Will stopped walking, and me, being lost in thought, practically crashed into him.

"Ow!" I said as I put my hands over my nose. Will quickly turned around and looked at me.

"Oh my gods Nico, are you okay?" Will asked, almost worried.

"I'm fine." I said saltily. He gently moved my hands away from my face by my wrists. He was being so gentle I didn't want to jerk away. Honestly...I missed his soft touch. Will gently cupped my cheek and looked at me. I almost leaned in to kiss him...then I remembered. He was the one who broke up with me. I looked away and pushed him off of me. "I said in fine." I said slightly sterner.

"Okay, okay. I was just making sure" Will said with his usual smile. I looked around and realized that we were at the archery range..the place he first kissed me. I got butterflies thinking back to that memory. Apparently Will was looking at me because he said "look familiar?"

"Of course it does you idiot. It's in like..the middle of the camp." I said angrily

"I mean other than that..." Will said in a soft tone

"Yeah..." I muttered. I didn't want to admit that I remembered what happened here.

"What was that?" Will asked with a slightly chuckle, clearly taunting me. I elbowed him in the side to shut him up. He winced when I did and I chuckled. He blushed softly when I did so I quickly stopped smiling and put on my usual angry look. "So you do remember?" Will asked with a soft smirk

"Yeah...I do. Now will you shut up." I said, not wanting to talk about it

"Nico...do you know WHY I kissed you that day?"

3rd Person POV bc I said so ☺️


"It's because...well...I've liked you since that battle when my father was still here." Will continued "I-...I know I messed up..b-breaking up with you, was the worst mistake of my life...I know you probably don't want to he-" Will was cut off by Nico's lips. Soon, after Will realized what was happening, he kissed back. After a few second they pulled away. Nico quickly hugged Will and leaned his head on Will's chest. The son of Apollo was VERY confused as to why Nico was doing all this.

"I forgive you. Now shut up" Nico said as tears fall down his cheeks and he sniffled. "I was never mad at you...I-...I just don't know why I have to drive everyone I love away" The blonde haired boy gently hugged cupped his cheek and carefully wiped away his tears, before placing a soft kiss on the sons of Hades' forehead.

"You could never drive me away.." Will said in the softest tone he could manage. Nice let go of him and looked down.

"But you said you couldn't handle 'this'"

"I was trying to protect you."

"From what?!" Nico yelled, now looking at the son of Apollo "There's nothing more you can protect me from! My life is already a living Hell! I've lost everyone Solace!" Campers began stopping what they were doing to listen, or even watch the infuriated boy "I have no one! If I were to just die now, no one would miss me! Everyone is scared of me!" The grass around Nico's feet began to turn black and wither away "No one cares!" Will carefully walked over to Nico and hugged him.

"You have me" Will whispered "Maria threatened to hurt you and I couldn't have let you get hurt anymore. I'm sorry and I'm here now. If you'll take me back..."

There was silence. Everyone was too scared to speak.

Nico just broke down. He slipped out of Will's arms and dropped to the ground, sobbing. No one had ever seen him cry, besides for Will and Hazel. Everyone was shocked. Will slowly kneeled by him, gently pulled the crying boy into his lap, and held him close.

"I'm not leaving you...never again. I promise" Will whispered. Nico didn't say anything for a few minutes. He just sat there, in the warm, gentle arms of the blonde. Until he finally said

"I'm sorry...I-...I never meant to be so harsh..." Nico said in a soft but heartbroken tone

"You weren't. Trust me, I live with Oakley" Will says with a soft chuckle.

"Hey! I heard that!" Oakley said from the crowd of people. Nico chuckled softly and buried his head in Will's neck, calming down. Everyone went back to their activities, having some more respect for the son of Hades. Besides for one, jealous, daughter of Aphrodite.

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