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A/N: This doesn't really have much Solangelo in it, but I still recommend reading it...it MAY or may not have something to do with Maria

It had been about a week or so and Nico was sitting in the Hades Cabin. He had learned that Hazel was okay and that she was now resting at Cam Jupiter. He and Will had warned Frank about Maria and told him about everything she had done. They had put demigods around camp everywhere. Everywhere you looked there was someone who was guarding something.

Maria still hadn't been found and nearly everyone they knew knew about her. The hunter knew, Camp Jupiter knew, Rachel knew, pretty much everyone.

"Will...I'm still worried" he whispered to his boyfriend who was sitting next to him in bed "What if she just comes back and we don't know it...?"

"Look Love, it'll be okay. She's being guarded and you know the romans will make sure that she's okay"

"I know but you know how smart she is..." he whispered

"I know, but I promise you that it will all be okay"

"A-Are you sure?" the raven haired boy whispered

"Yes, I promise you everything will be okay" Will replies with a soft smile, gently holding his boyfriend's hand

Time skip~

It was later in the afternoon and the hunters were paying a visit to Camp Half-Blood. They were standing near the dining pavilion as they spoke.

"Chiron, we have found someone we think you might be looking for." Thalia said, two hunters standing at her side

"Oh? Who would that be?" Chiron asked as he raised an eyebrow

"Maria" Thalia said "Nico had informed me about her and everything that had happened. We found her with another demigod who we believe is her lover. I have hunters going after them now and bringing them here. I have confidence that they will catch them and bring them back here. Maria is outside and tied up under the supervision of my most trained hunter" Chiron nodded in response and crossed his arms

"Would you mind bring her in here? I would like to speak with her"

"Of course" Thalia turned to the two hunters behind her. The hunter to her left had shoulder length red hair and was about 2 inches taller than Thalia. Her hair was in two braids with a silver ribbon braided into each one and her facial expression had a soft look to it, she looked relaxed and looked like someone who got along well with people. Her eyes were a piercing gold color and with her dark skin, she looked like a true warrior.

The hunter to her right was about the same size as Thalia and her eyes were a dark blue. She had long black hair, that seemed as if it would go to her waist if it was taken out of the braid that it was it, faded to a navy blue color. Her facial expression, unlike the other girl's, was serious and she looked like she was angry, that paired with her olive skin made her look almost as scary as Nico did.

Thalia turned to the golden eyed hunter "Tamara, go get Maria and bring her partner if Grisha cane back with them" with that the hunter nodded and walked off.

"Wow...where did you find her?" Chiron asked "I'm honestly shocked by your expertise in tracking. You and your hunters work well"

"We train well and with the help of Lady Artemis we learn" Thalia said as she straightened her posture pridefully. Chiron nodded in response just as Tamara walked back with Maria who was tied up and had a cut across her cheek.

"Well, well, if it isn't Maria" Chiron said as he walked closer to her, the soft pitter-patter of his hooves against the grass having a slight similarity to soft rain against a tin roof. Maria glared at him and stayed silent for a few moments.

"Did you send these witches after me?" Maria asked, her tone as sharp as a blade

"They're not witches, they are noble hunters and they were notified by two campers whom you may know" The centaur said as he looked down at the angered red head

"I found the other one" a hunter said, interrupting their conversation. This hunter was far taller than Thalia and had short choppy blonde hair that had a small silver burette in it. Her eyes were almost a soft shade of orange and she had a sharp jawline that made her look quite beautiful.

Thalia turned to the hunter "Camie, bring them over immediately" she said, taking a step back so they could bring someone else forward. She walked off with Tamara only to return with a girl who had long black and blue hair, the top layer of her hair being black and the bottom layer being a soft shade of blue. She had a sharp jawline and her eyes were as black as a bottomless pit. She looked so angry as if she had never smiled before and her skin was as tanned and freckles as Will's. She was tied up just like Maria, but she was struggling so much it was shocking how the Camie the hunter was still holding on. The blonde hunter threw to them to the ground, the tied up teen landing on their knees.

" Xeva?" Chiron asked, looking at them. The dark haired demigod stayed looking down. Maria looked at them, her angered expression softening. Everyone knew who Xeva Williams was. They were the child of Hephaestus who was best friends with Beckendorf before he died. After his death their personality became quiet and reserved. They used to be such a happy person, but Beckendorfs death broke them.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Xeva said finally

"How do you two know eachother?" Chiron asked, looked at the two

"We started hanging out and we eventually decided to run away together. I gave up on Will after I found Xe" Maria said, her expression staying soft but now there being more guilt in her voice than anything.

"Would you mind letting them loose?" Chiron asked. Thalia looked at the hunter who had previously been standing to her right and nodded, the hunter cutting both of them loose. Xeva immediately stood up and hugged Maria

"Gods..." they muttered as Maria wrapped her arms around their waist

"Now, just because I let you two loose, doesn't mean you guys are free from trouble" Chiron announced "you two will be washing the dishes for months"

"Fine." Xeva said in an annoyed tone as they pulled away from the hug, only to hold Maria's hand, causing her cheeks to get as red as her hair. Chiron turned to Thalia with a smile

"Thank you, to both you and your hunters" he said, the same smile creeping across Thalia's face

"Anytime Chiron. Now, my hunters and I have some business to get to, tell Nico and Will I said hello" she replied with a soft smile

"Will do" the centaur said before looking back at Xeva and Maria "Now, off to your respected cabins. I expect you to explain to your siblings what you did." With that the two demigods nodded and walked off, doing as they were told.

A/N: Again, I would like to apologize for not updating, I know it's been a while, but I'm trying. Have a good day you guys!

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