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"Where did they go" Chiron asked while approaching Percy, Annabeth, Oakley, Drew. And a few more campers.

"Nico and Will, they were in the Hades cabin I have no idea" Percy said.

"Wait TOGETHER" Chiron exclaimed

"Um y-yes why" Oakley stuttered

"Because he's strict and won't let couples be alone anymore" Drew said annoyed while she applied more bright red lipstick.

"Now Dr-"

"Hey Guys" Nico said kinda loudly

Percy walked closer and said "Hey Nico we were just talking about y-" but Chiron cut him off.

"Now just were have you two been"

"We were in the Apollo cabin did you even look" Nico said annoyed. Will reached for Nicos hand.

"Nico was that really-" Will said

"Were you guys alone together" Chiron asked

"Well I mean y-" Nico cut Will off

"No no we weren't" Nico said fast and kinda blushing. "Why"

"Two campers aren't supposed to be alone together in a cabin"

"Oh my Hades Chiron who cares I was with Will"


"Nothing babe" Nico said. But he realized that he had called Will babe too late.

"BABE" said everybody there besides for Will and Nico

"Ummm..." Nico paused. Before anyone could say anything else he ran away into the woods.

"Oh my gods are you two a thing" Percy and Drew asked in unison. Oakley just chuckled.

"Shut up Drew" Will said as he ran over to the woods clearly going after Nico.

"Wait Wi-" Chiron tried to say but he just stopped himself. He realized it wasn't worth it.

"Was that really necessary" Annabeth yelled as she turned toward Percy. "Even if they are a couple you know you don't have to make a big deal out of it"

"Annabeth calm down" Drew said in an annoyed voice. "I me-" Drew was cut off by Annabeth's hand hitting her face.

"ANNABE-" Chiron tried to yell but was cut off.

"This is your fault too" Annabeth said rather loudly "or should I tell EVERYONE ABOUT YOU AND MAL-" Drew cut her off

"You wouldn't dare" Drew said through gritted teeth.

"Oh but I would, so now do you know what it's like to have your relationship exposed" Annabeth asked. Drew just scoffed, rolled her eyes, and walked away.

"Annabeth was that really necessary" Chiron asked

"But she..." Annabeth realized it wasn't worth it looked away from Chiron and huffed.

"Thank you" Chiron said as he trotted away.

"Babe calm down" Percy said

"Y-your right it's just that she makes me so angry"

"You so cute when your angry" Annabeth blushed and then kissed Percy.
Will continued to run until he found himself deep in the forest by two fallen trees in the shape of an X "What is this" Will said as he walked closer. He kneeled down. He continued to get closer until he heard a gasp. "Hello" he said softly.

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