W-'When will it end?!'

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A/N: Sorry guys, I haven't been doing the best lately and I haven't really had any motivation to write. My mental health has been plummeting so if I update slower than usual, I am sorry. I hope you guys are doing well though!                                                                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It had been around a week since Hazel had gotten stabbed. Turns out she had been stabbed 12 times. One almost severed her Femoral Artery. She was so insanely lucky. Of course, no one told Frank. Everyone wanted to and Chiron insisted, but Hazel said no because she didn't want him to worry. She wasn't allowed to get out of bed yet, it put her in way too much pain to do so, and were talking about Hazel Levesque here! Whoever did this, was going to pay.

Nico POV 😩

I had only went to see her once, and when I did I  had started crying. Thankfully Will was the only one there. Crying made me feel weak. I never cried in front of people, and if I did it was rare. 

Everyone was so scared that they were next. This person clearly had bad intentions if they were going  after someone as sweet and innocent as Hazel. But who was it? No one knew.

 Well, that's a lie. I had a theory. None other than Maria. Was it her? Well, I had no physical proof besides for my scars from when she attacked me, but in Chiron's eyes, that wouldn't mean crap. So, I had to find a way to convince Chiron that Maria wasn't dead and that she was after us. Not 'us' as in the entire camp. 'Us' as in me and Will. If she went after Hazel, then next, she would've  probably be after-...no. It couldn't be. Never mind, I-I couldn't think like that. 

3rd Person AnD time skip~😘

It was about 5 in the afternoon and Nico decided to go see Hazel again. He went to ask Will if he wanted to come too, but he wasn't there. When he walked in Oakley was there and so was Austin.

"Probably at the Archery Range" Oakley had told Nico. So, he went there, and there he was. He was shooting a bullseye almost every time and Nico had to resist the urge to just watch him. He loved how talented Will was.

"Hey! Will!" Nico said as he ran up to Will. The blonde turned around and looked at him, a wide smile appearing on his face.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" he asked as he put his bow down and  walked closer to Nico.

"I was wondering if you wanted to see Hazel with me."

"Yeah, of course." Will said with a soft smile. Honestly, Will was hoping that this visit would be better than their last one.  They both headed to the infirmary, but Hazel wasn't there.

"Kayla!" Will said, calling her over. She said something to the camper she was talking to and walked over to them.

"Yes?" She asked in s slightly confused tone. Where's Hazel?" Will asked

"She should be in her cot" Kayla responded as she walked over to the two boys. She looked at the bed and saw that it was empty. "Oh we-" Kayla started, but she was soon cut off

"You mean to tell me you lost her?!" Nico yelled angrily "She could be DEAD!!" The infuriated son of Hades began to tear up "If she finds after Hazel again she'll be probably dead!!"

"Who?" Kayla asked in a confused tone, but you could obviously tell she was frightened

"Why in Tartarus does it matter?! If she's dead it's your fault!" Nico yelled. Will knew what was about to happen and he held Nico back gently

"Look" Will whispered softly, putting his arms around Nico's waist "I know that you're worried, but she's not dead. She's too strong for that." 

Tears began to pour down the son of Hades' cheeks as he looked down "and what if she is-" Nico muttered, his voice breaking at the end of his sentence. "What is she is dead?"

If she did die Nico wasn't the only one it would effect. It would effect Frank, and most, if not all, of Camp Jupiter.

"Don't think like that." Will said softly. Nico glared at Kayla, tears still falling down his cheeks, making him look scarier than normal. 

"If she is, you're gonna pay." Nico said in a threatening tone "got it?"

Kayla nodded and rushed off, obviously scared. Not much scared Kayla, but Nico sure did.  In most people's opinions he was terrifying. Will saw him as a big sweetheart who sometimes just needed a hug. Right now would be one of those times. Nico just broke down. He sat down on the ground and hugged his knees, warm tears silently streaming down his cheeks. Will gently picked him up and carried him to the Hades Cabin. The son of Hades curled into Will's chest and cried silently.

When they got to the Hades Cabin Will sat down on Nico's bed, leaving Nico in his lap. Nico put his left thigh on Will's right side and so forth. He scooted closer to Will and gently wrapped his arms around his neck and sniffled softly. In response Will put his arms around the breaking boy's waist and held him close. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay" Will whispered "I'm sure she's fine" Thoughts rapidly raced though Nico's head, and he sniffled softly 

"B-But what if she's not...?" he asked quietly, his voice breaking. Will was heartbroken by the way he sounded. He wanted Nico to be okay, but Will knew that the only way he would be okay was if he knew Hazel was. He wasn't sure how exactly he would accomplish that, but he would try everything to make it happen. no matter what.

"I'm sure she is. Remember what I told you last time we were the-"

"Yeah Will! We can see how well that worked out!" Nico yelled, looking into Will's eyes, tears pouring out of his. His cheeks were tearstained and he looked miserable. 

"You're right" Will whispered as he cupped Nico's cheek "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking" 

Nico just sniffled and looked down, gently and slowly laying his head on Will's shoulder. The Son of Apollo gently held him close.

Will's POV

 Gods I felt awful. I didn't have really and genuine answers for him. He was suffering and I couldn't help him. I didn't know HOW!! I just held him close, letting him cry. What else could I have done? I was trying to not cry myself. I hated that he felt like this and I couldn't help him. I had to find Hazel. There was no choice. If it made Nico happy I had to do it.  I couldn't let him suffer like this any longer.  I needed him to be okay. No matter what it took. 

Nico's POV

Only one thought raced through my head. When will it end?!  I hated feeling like that!  It hurt to bad that Hazel could've been dead. Worst of all I was putting Will through that! I had to suck it up. I had to get some evidence and find her. Alone or not.


Another A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed and I'm really sorry if there are typo's or anything. The keys on this computer are really sticky and I don't really like writing on my phone. Also the ending was rushed and I'm sorry. I'm trying to update quicker, have great days/nights! 

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