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"NICO!! Nico open up!" Hazel yelled as she bangs on the door to the Hades Cabin. Hold on, let's backtrack. It had been almost 4 weeks since anyone had seen Nico leave his cabin. He was still heartbroken and was cold to everyone who tried to enter his cabin. "Nico we're worried!" Hazel said in a heartbroken tone.

"Leave me alone!" Nico yelled angrily. Everyone besides for Hazel knew that Nico and Will had broken up. They mostly didn't tell her for the safety of Will.

"Nico...please come out of there" Hazel said as she puts her hand on the door and looks down "I'm worried."

There was silence.

"There's no point in tryin hun" a voice said from behind Hazel. She quickly turned around, only to face Maria. The daughter of Pluto's expression quickly hardens into a glare.

"What do you want" Hazel asked sternly

"Oh, I'm just waiting for Will"


"Oh, you didn't hear?"


"Will left that little brother of yours, for me" Maria said in a cocky tone. Hazel was furious. She marched to the Apollo cabin and harshly opens the door.

"Here is he?!" Hazel asked angrily. Most of the Apollo campers were in the infirmary. Austin, Oakley, and a few other were still in the cabin. Oakley just looks at Hazel and chuckles as if knowing this was going to happen. A small gold bar appears by Oakley and she [its She/Her as of today] quickly jumps out of the way. She was one of the few people who knew about Hazel's magic.

"Will? I don't know, he just randomly left" Austin said in a scared tone. The brunette quickly turned around and walked out.

"Wimp" Oakley chuckled

"I am not!" Austin retaliated

"Yeah, sure~" Oakley said sarcastically. Austin just rolled his eyes and picks up his ukulele.

"Is she gone?" Will asked, who was hiding in the corner.

"Yeah, but I don't see why you didn't just get up and face her like a man" Oakley said as she rolls her eyes.

"Then why don't you?!" Will said kinda loudly

"First, I'm not male currently. Second, it's not my problem. Third, I don't care" Oakley said with no emotion.

"Of course you don't" Will sighed

Back at the Hades Cabin Nico was sitting up in his bed, leaning up against the wall, hugging his knees, and his head was leaning on his knees. He couldn't believe he had lost someone else! What was wrong with him?! Why did he have to lose everyone?!

"Why...Why me. Why do I have to make everyone hate me." Nico said as tears began to brim his eyes "Everyone I love always has to leave me." A few tears fell down his cheeks, and before he knew it he was sobbing.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door.

"Nico..?" The Person asked. Wait...who was that? It sounds familiar. Was it-...no...it couldn't be. Was that Will? "Can I come in?" The person asked softly. Nico was silent. He didn't want to move. He didn't want to talk to anyone. "Please?" The Person asked in a quieter tone. Nico shakily stood up, and opened the door. The person in front of him, was none other than William Andrew Solace. Nico looked up at him.

"What?" Nico asked coldly.

"Nico, I'm so sorry. I-I made a mistake, I...I can't handle her." Will said desperately

"But I thought you couldn't handle 'this' " Nico said angrily

"Nico I'm so-" Will started to say but he got cut off

"Save it Solace! I get it! I'm too much for you! Well guess what?! I'm too much for myself!!" Tears began to fall down Nico's cheeks "I lose everyone I love! It's like I'm poison! My whole life is PAIN!"

Will was silent. He had nothing to say to that.

"Yeah...thought so." Nico said quietly as he shut the door.

Til next time 👋
[Sorry about his chapter, it was rushed 😅]

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