J-"Just calm down..." (Will's POV)

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Nico was slipping in and out of conciousness and I was SUPER worried about him. I mean...Nico is my boyfriend so I technically have a right to worry a lot. Two days later I walked to Nicos bed and there he was...concious. I was so happy I started crying.

"Come here Solace.." Nico said with open arms. I didnt want to hurt him so I carefully walked up to him and hugged him. I didnt even realixe I was sobbing until he said "Its okay Will...Im okay"

"I-I was s-so worried about you..." I muttered

"I noticed" Nico joked "but dont worry...Im steal breathing..."

"thanks for the image of you NOT breathing" Will says sarcastically.

I didnt see anything wrong with what was happening...until I woke up...it was a dream. I look up and I see Nico laying there unconcious in his bed. He had blood soaked bandages around his torso and his left arm. I cant believe that was all a dream. I soon fell back asleep but this time I didnt dream which was surprising. When I woke up the second time Nico was sitting up...it wasn't a dream...he was ACTUALLY okay!

"Nico?" I ask as I sit up [he was slouched down in a chair ,where he fell alseep] He looked over at me and smiles a bit.

"Good morning Sunshine" Nico said with a slight smile. I could feel tears brim my eyes. I looked into his eyes and warm tears began to fall down my face. "Are you okay" Nico asked me as he sits on the side of the bed to where he's facing me.

"No I'm not okay damn it! You almost died on me!" I sob

"Woah...Will language..." Kayla said as she walked past. She looked at Nico and said "oh I see you're awake". Nico just nodded at her...it must have hurt him to talk. Kayla walked off to another camper and Nico looked back at me.

Nico cupped my cheek with his cold, soft, hands and said "Just calm down..."

"I can't 'Just calm down'!" I shouted "you almost died! I couldn't have-" my voice broke before I could finish.

"You couldn't have what?" Nico asked as he let go of my face gently.

"Nothing..." I said as I looked down. Nico sat on the side of his bed to where he was facing me. He tried to get closer but winced in pain. "Nico don't hurt yourself" I told him

"I'm fine...and you're panicking...you need to calm down" Nico said as he got a bit closer to me. Tears began to fall down my cheek again and I look down. This was all my fault...how could I let his happen to him?! Nico gently sat on my lap and hugged me. I was to scared to hug him back so I just sat there. "I love you...I wouldn't leave you...I promise" Nico said quietly. I gently put my arms around him and held him close.

The End. 💀

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