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As I said my goodbyes to my old home, we pull up to our new one. I didn't want to move away, away from my friends, away from the only place i've ever known.

All good things must come to an end. My mama says that Santa Carla pier is one of the best places to live. Beautiful beaches, buzzing boardwalk, and a fabulous strip mall.

As a teenage girl, she says that's where I can go have fun and let my hair down. I just wanna curl up in bed and watch Astro Boy cartoons.

"Alright kids", my father exclaims, "Here we are."

When we get parked, I hop out and examine the brick house. It's about two-stories tall, with a red brick layout. On the left side is a empty garage, with carpeting. Some may mistake it for an apartment.

"Papa, look", I say as I point to the garage. He sets down the box he's carrying and gazes in it with me. He then looks at me and gives me a soft smile. He ruffles my hair and asks, "Would you like it to be your room?"

I nod, then give him a big hug. He returns it and we stay that way for a few seconds. When we part, I help load boxes into the house with papa. She then hears her sister scream. I rush to see what's wrong and there I see her on the ground, with her hand over her heart.

I ask what's wrong and she points to the corner. Sitting there shaking is a Rabbit. It's coat is white with little black dots. I go to pick it up as my sister yells stop. I pick up the bunny anyway.

i snuggle the rabbit a bit, I somehow manage to calm it down. I chuckle. "It's harmless, Bec. See? It was probably just scared", I state in a quiet voice.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. Mama walks in the door and squints her eyes at the creature in my hands. "Where the hell did you find that", she spits. I point to the corner, "I think it snuck in here and hid in the corner there, Mama."

Colson comes into the room with his box of clothes. He sets the box down and makes his way over to me. He pets the rabbit and a grin grows on his face. "Wicked..", he mutters. He looks up at me and asks, "Are you gonna keep it? If you are, I'll help take care of it with you."

Colson and I have always had a good relationship. He always helps me with my homework, we watch cartoons together every saturday morning, he even taught me to ride his skateboard.

He's the best big brother. Becca isn't too fond of me. She says i'm childish and she calls me a crybaby. I can't help that I'm sensitive.

I glance at Mama, "Can we keep it?"

She scoffs and waves it off. In her case, that means yes. Me and Colson squeal, we do a little dance and I giggle when he does the robot.

Time passes and every box is inside. My stuff is in the garage, Colson took the basement, Mama and Papa took an upstairs bedroom along with Becca.

As we sit in the dining room eating chinese takeout, Becca asks, "Can I go to the boardwalk tonight?" Papa glances at Mama before answering, "Only if you take your brother and sister."

Becca groans, "Why do I have to take them? Colson will bug me and (Name) will just cry the whole time." Papa sighs. He's a lot more patient than Mama.

"Because, Rebecca," he says, "you're only 16. I'd feel much safer if they went along." Becca crosses her arms, "Fine, I don't mind Colson but does (Name) have to go?"

Papa looks at me. He gives me a questioning look. I don't do well in crowds, I get overwhelmed. But, I didn't wanna be left out.

I bite my lip in thought. Colson will keep me company, I know that. Maybe it's time to overcome my fears. I look at Papa and nod. He looks at Becca, "She's going with you. That's final."

The Innocent ◇ The Lost Boys 1987Where stories live. Discover now