chapter 8

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'Oo baby do you know what that's worth?'

I was in Atlantis Fantasyworld, which was the name of the Frogs comic shop. It was currently nine o'clock at night. After making Bea worried with the phone call with Alan, I decided to clear things up.

I couldn't stay too long. I had to meet the boys for a date on the boardwalk tonight. They wouldn't like it if I was late.

'They say in heaven, love comes first'

Bea came to the center of the shop. She spotted me and made her way over. "So mind telling me why you freaked out over the phone with my brother?"

I took a breath. "I was just nervous. He came off very weird and I guess it freaked me out."

She glared at her brothers who were hiding behind the counter. "Yeah that sounds like Alan. I'm sorry for my weird ass brother. And thanks for coming down."

"It's all good. Glad that's all out of the way." I smiled. Janis came out from the back and smirked at us. "Well hey Jellybean."

I chuckled. "Hey." She grabbed a comic and put it out of place. Edgar and Alan started to complain. "So, what are you doing tonight?" She asked unbothered by the boys.

"Just gonna chill with Roger." It was a lie. Everyone lies. I wish I could tell her but how do you tell someone your soul mates with four vampire bikers?

I was going to keep it on the low for now. I'll tell her eventually. Her, Bea, and Ian. I think Ian would be more understanding. He's usually the more calmer one.

I quickly said goodbye and continued my journey towards the merry go round. I was supposed to meet the boys there.

I buy a ticket and wait my turn in line. The breeze picks up and I shiver. Why is it always so cold on the boardwalk? An arm reaches over me and grabs a ticket.

I look over and a boy stands behind me. He smirks at me. I look away not exactly interested. He taps my shoulder and I look behind me.

"Hey beautiful. What's your name?" He asks. I look around the crowd. The boys are nowhere to be seen.

He grabs my bicep. "I asked you a question." I rip my arm from his grip and try to walk away.

He grabs my waist and pulls me into him. His friends around him laugh at my struggles. His mouth is on the shell of my ear. "Come on baby-"

He gets ripped off of me and pushed to the ground. I look back and the boys are there, fuming.

Marko comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist gently. There's that feeling again. The feeling of his grip on my waist. The one I can't shake off.

I look up at him. He's not looking me in my eyes. Only where his hands are.

The creep and his friends run off as the boys turn to look at us. They all immediately smirk.

I look confused. "What?" I look at Marko and he's trying not to laugh. I follow his eyes and realize he's not looking at his hands.

He's looking at my open chest.

I gasp loudly and pull up my shirt. Paul and Marko burst into laughter as David and Dwayne keep looking at my chest unbothered.

"It's not funny!" I pout. Paul calms down and looks at me. He growls. "You're right. It's sexy. Thanks for the show princess."

I blush madly. I cross my arms over my chest and walk to the merry go round. They all yell for me to wait up and catch up with me.

That night went amazingly.

After the merry go round we went into a couple stores and ate some burgers at the diner. They bought me a jacket and my meal.

I offered to pay but they insisted. In return I bought them each matching necklaces, to match mine. A crystal necklace but each had different colors.

Marko had pink, Paul had dark blue, Dwayne had orange and David had white. Mine was (favorite color).

Marko really liked his. He got really excited when I gave it to him. Like a puppy. It was cute.

Paul liked his. He thought it was gay at first but still wore it. He tried to play it off but I think he liked it.

Dwayne thought it was adorable. He added it to the necklaces around his neck. He thanked me for it by kissing my cheek.

David loved his. He wore it around his neck proudly. He said he'd never take it off.

Now we're at the cave, playing 20 questions. I'm on the fountain with Marko playing with his birds. They're so cute.

"Okay, Paul. Your turn. What's your favorite movie?" I ask. He looked at me. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

"You and Janis would get along. She loves that movie." I giggle. He sits up points at me.

"That movie is amazing. A movie where Tim Curry is a transvestite? Yes please." He chuckles.

"And you thought the necklaces were gay." Marko quips. Paul chucks popcorn at him. We all laugh.

Paul looks at me. "Princess, your turn. You ready?" I take a deep breath and nod. "Is your cherry popped?"

I give him a confused look. All the boys laugh at my face. I look around. "What does it mean?"

David calms and looks at me. "He means if your a virgin."

I turn cherry red. I look down at the birds and pet them. Paul scoffs. "No way. You're pure. Would've never guessed."

I look at him. "Well no boy has ever liked me like that. Or wanted me in the way."

Dwayne slouches over and smirks at me. "You've never dated anyone?"

I shake my head.

"Held hands?"



"No way."


I shake my head again. Dwayne looks at David who looks dazed. "Wow. I knew you were pure, I didn't know you were that pure Princess." Paul coos.

"I'm not that pure. I could kiss any guy I wanted if I could." I said offended. Paul teases me. "I'd love to see that day Princess."

I huff. They all chuckle at my behavior. "Out of all of us, who would you want for your first kiss?" Marko asked.

I thought on that. Which one did I really want to be my first. I looked up at David. I pointed at him. "You."

They all looked surprised. Quickly, David jumped up from his wheelchair and grabbed me by my wrist. He hoisted me up and planted a kiss right on me.

I gasped at first. It felt so weird. His lips were cold. I widen my eyes. He pulls away and looks at me and smiles.

"There...your wish came true Angel."

(1150 words.)

(cringeyyyyy. hope u have a good day lovelies 💕)

The Innocent ◇ The Lost Boys 1987Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora