chapter 3

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Riding on the back of a motorcycle is one thing. Papa used to take me all the time when I was little. I'm used to it.

But riding with Marko was a death trap.

They were hollering and revving their engines loud, riding as fast as their bikes allowed. I was clinging on for dear life. And the crazy part was I was absolutely comfortable doing just that.

Every bump we hit I squeaked and held on tighter which in turn made Marko chuckle. I swear I heard him mumble cute under his breath.

Bea looked alarmed looking like she was regreting ever meeting Janis. Jan was having the time of her life, hollering along with the boys. Becca was flirting around with Paul, which made him shift uncomfortably. I almost felt sorry for him.


By the time we got to the center of the boardwalk it was flooded with people. I start to get nervous, fidgeting with my hands. Dealing with crowds was never an exact strength of mine.

Marko gets off first. Once he's settled on the ground he offers me his hand. I hesitate but cautiously accept his hand. I shiver at how cold he is.

I hop off the bike. Looking around at the boardwalk, I notice how unbelievably loud it was. I've never really been to a concert before. So, as you can tell, my nerves are on alert.

Bea's hair is all over the place and she's trying to make sense of where she is at the moment. Janis looks like she's having the time of her life.

'Girls, Girls, Girls' plays loud and heavy filling the air. My eyes wondering around, they land on the one and only Motley Crue.

I gape in awe. Posters of these guys scatter all over my room. They were here and real. It was amazing.

"Hello, earth to (Name)?"

Snapping out of my envy, I quickly make eyes with Bea.

She starts darting her eyes towards Jan who looks like she's about to lose it. Becca must've said something.

"How dare you say that about Mick? He's the best fucking member you uncultured swine!"

"How is he the best member? He's like ancient and not all that hot."

"Take that back or i start swinging."

"Bring it on, dyke."

Oh no, no, no-

Before Janis had the chance to commit first degree murder, I step in. "Hey, Jan, I saw a cotton candy stand. Let's go get some yeah?"

She was fuming, but eventually let me take her towards the stand. I heard snickering and saw Paul and Marko chuckling at the small fight. Dwayne was just looking at me as was David.

David caught my gaze and winked at me.

Flustered, I pushed Janis towards the candy stand, desperately wanting to leave the men.

Bea tries to talk to Janis but she wasn't having it. The word 'dyke' hit to close to home for her.

Janis came out to her parents as Bi a few years ago and they kicked her out. They called her nasty names and even told the whole town. 'Dyke' was her trigger word.

Just goes to show how cruel people are.

We get to the stand and it's not to busy so we wait for the people in front of us.

Janis looks at me. "Sorry I lost my cool."

I smile at her, "I get it. My sisters a lot to handle." She sighs and puts her arm around me, hugging me close. "You're too good for this world, Jelly."

I chuckle and agree. She chuckles along with me. She looks at Bea. "Did you enjoy your ride with the devil?"

She flips the girl off as Jan laughs. She grumbles, "it's not that funny. I'm not used to that shit, plus I barely know the dude."

"I bet you wouldn't mind if it was Colson, huh~", she teases. Bea turns bright red. She mumbles a 'shut up'.

Jan snorts and looks at me. "How about you, little lady? You enjoy your time with Marrrkooo~?"

I froze. She didn't know what happened months ago. I didn't wanna ruin her good time so, I'll try to blow it off.

"W-well, it was okay, I guess. I-i didn't really like it."

She pries me some more. "Come on, (Name), I saw the way you were clutching onto him."

"Yeah, so she wouldn't fall to her death, Jan."

"Shut it, troll."

"Who you calling a troll, ogre?"

"That's the same thing, dumbass."


I tune in their petty fight. "Alright you two, it's not that serious. But, Bea is right."

"That I look like an ogre?"


"Of course I am."

"Uh, that's not what i-"

"Well, at least I don't look like a pom-pom."


They look at me startled. I sigh. "Sorry for yelling, but what I was going to say was Bea was right because I was trying not to fall off. If I had the choice, I wouldn't have went at all."

They nod, understanding, luckily not pushing any more questions.

Jan pays for three bags of cotton candy. I look back towards the group. Paul and Marko are smoking a blunt. Dwayne and David are in conversation. Becca is nowhere to be seen.

I squint my eyes looking around for her. Through the sea of people, my older sister is nowhere to be found.

Bea hands me a bag before we all head back to the bikes. I chew my lip, cautiously looking around for Becca.

As we approach the four bikers, Marko lits up as he sees us. He catches the bag of candy in my hand and pouts. "What, none for homeboy?"

I gulp. "S-sorry, i-i can go get you one."

Before I can even blink, Marko steps in front of me. He makes eye contact with me as he opens the bag. Slowly reaching in the bag he licks his bottom lip

I turn red at the action. My hands start to shake, as my palms turn sweaty.

He pulls out some of the cotton candy and sticks it on his tongue. His mouth and swirls the sweet candy around his cavern. He moans lowly.

While this occurs, I'm trying to re-learn how to breath. Juggling for words, my tongue becomes tied.

I mean what exactly do you say in a situation like this?

Just as I'm about to open my mouth, a male voice calls,


(1080 words)

(I'm so so sorry for the long overdue chapter. Hope you enjoy lovelies 💕)

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