chapter 13

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The rain pattered down as Paul bit down into his victims neck. He was engulfed with rage and sucked the little twerp dry.

Dwayne was knelt down onto his mates side. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself. The state she was in was enough to make him want to cry.

Blood ran down her leg and Marko was trying to clean it up the best he could. That fucker really did a number on her. Marko had a few tears run down his cheeks. He hated how he allowed this to happen.

How he didn't come to her aid sooner. How she needed him and he wasn't there. Paul took the bodies they butchered and tossed them in the dumpster with David.

David was on a whole new level of rage. Words couldn't describe what he felt. How could they? The second he heard her silent screams of pain, he immediately gathered the boys and killed those motherfuckers.

Once they disposed of the bodies they ran to her passed out form. She was drained of any and all emotion. They were sure she didn't know they were there.

That was a good thing. Ever since that night, they tried to fight her about leaving her entirely. She wouldn't budge. Angrily, they obliged and left her home. They figured once they were gone she'd realize how much she needed them.

It's been a solid 3 months since they last talked to her. but not seen her. they stalked her, followed her, watched her every move. they were obsessed with her.

David could still feel the sting of her slap on his cheek. it shouldn't have hurt the way it did. he never believed his beloved would hurt him. all he wanted to do was protect her.

he wrapped his gloved hands under her and picked her shaking body off the dirt of the alley. the rain pattered down as he flew into the sky with his brothers.

they didn't know where to take her. she snuggled into David's side to find warmth. everything in him tried not to head to the direction of the cave and wrap her in blankets, have her fall asleep in his arms where he could protect her.

he needed her. they all did.

but in the end they knew it would only push her away more.

David sighed and flew towards her home. they hated putting her there with that family but it's what needed to be done.

they gently placed her in the grass in front of the house. they each kissed her head and told her they loved her. Marko banged his fist on the door and disappeared. they all stayed hidden in a tree where they could observe the situation.

30 seconds passed and the door had opened and her brother stepped out panicking running over to her and calling her name. he called for his dad and he ran outside with a blanket and wrapped her up and took her inside.

they could hear her mother crying and her brothers calls for her to wake up.

it hurt them that they'll probably never know what actually happened to her.

and who saved her.

once they knew she was okay, they flew back to the boardwalk. they didn't wanna do nothing but go back home and sleep.

getting on the bikes they stopped when they heard a voice.

a female voice.

"hi, excuse me?"

they looked at the brunette girl with disgust. she gulped but continued.

"im looking for my little brother."

"that's not our problem." David spoke coldly.

she became annoyed and pointed to the video store. "that man said you all would help."

sure enough there was Max.

David rolled his eyes. "what's your name?"

she smirked a little before answering.

"Star. and the boys name is Laddie."

(hi merry Christmas:)

The Innocent ◇ The Lost Boys 1987Where stories live. Discover now