chapter 5

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Bea and Janis eventually came back, which to I was relieved.

Becca and Benji were in some kind of conversation. She seemed to be flirting with him. Paul didn't really care.

The concert was coming to a close and I started to yawn. I rubbed my baggy eyes. Bea noticed and poked Janis.

They diverted their attention to me. "Are you tired, (Name)?"

I nodded my head. I felt two strong arms pick me up bridal style. At the moment I didn't really care so I rested my head on their shoulder.

"We'll take her home."

I was about to protest when the person lent their head down and whispered softly.

"Sleep little one..."

And with that I fell into a deep sleep. The last thing I remember is David talking with Janis.

Marko looks at me and smiles gently at me.


David was trying to negotiate with Janis on taking (Name) home. She wasn't gonna just let him take her friend. Hell no.

But David knew how to argue.

Bea whispers to Benji. "I think Janis finally met her match."

Janis pinched her nose in frustration. "Why in hell would I let four strangers take a barely conscious girl home huh? Do you honestly think I'm that ditzy?"

David, being the calm leader he is, smoothly replied. "I get your worry. But, I can wholeheartedly say, we wouldn't do anything to her. Plus, Becca's going to be with us."

"Your point being..?" She raises her brow.

"We haven't done anything to try to lure you all somewhere. If we did have anything planned we would've invited to a bonfire on the beach instead of a public raging concert."

She thought about that. She tried to look for anything conniving in his features but all that was there was a blank stare. He seemed convincing..

"..fine. I'm going to call her in the morning. If she doesn't pick up, I swear on Jesus I will take your motorcycle, strip it for parts and shove them all up your fucking a-"

"OK! Janis, it's good. She's good. Let's go."

Bea pulled her away while she death glared them all.

Dwayne positions (Name) on the bike to where she is comfortable and he has a good grip on her. She snuggles up into his chest and he smiles at that.

Becca, drunk as a skunk, hops on the back of Paul's bike. They all got on their bikes and set off towards the two sisters home.

As soon as they reached the gravel road, David gave the signal to Dwayne. He nodded and set off into a different direction.

Marko and David keep driving as Paul parks on the side of the road in front of their house. He picks her up and takes her inside.

As he does this, the three meet up and continue their journey to the cave.

They park the bikes and switch them off. Dwayne picks up the sleeping girl and carries her inside.

Marko bounces as they make it in the main area of the underground home. David throws her purse on the couch and puts her glasses in his coat pocket.

Dwayne lays her on the side of the fountain carefully. He put a pillow under her head.

Once she was set, he knelt down beside her stroking her hair.

He hasn't even kissed her and he's so desperately in love. They all are.

"Do you think she'll agree?" Dwayne murmured.

David sat in his wheelchair in front of her. He studied her face and all it's captivating features.

He was the oldest out if the whole bunch. He was turned by Max first. For 119 years he's been waiting for his mate. For his angel.

No girl has ever caught his eye. No spark, no instant connection, no love at first sight. All the girls were to him were a midnight snack.

While Marko and Paul have their one night stands, he had no interest in the sexual activity. He would save that for his mate.

He thought all hope was lost. That she'd never show up. Until that night. They were messing around with people of Santa Carla. Spotting their prey.

Then, he saw her.

Sitting on the carousel horse, she was beaming in the blinding carnival lights. His cold, dead heart started going crazy. His cheeks felt warm for the first time in 100 years.

At that moment he knew.

He found their mate.

He didn't mean to scare her. He thought he was being smooth. Turned out he was just being a creep.

For the past six months, he watched her. He watched as she watched old Popeye cartoons to talking to her bunny.

He always looked away as she got dressed. He may have been a stalker but he had some chivalry.

He didn't exactly approve of her friendship with Max. Even if Max was the head vampire, he didn't trust him with their mate at all.

Especially when Max told them to stay from her. That really pissed them off.

Did they listen?


And now they had a plan. A plan to make her feel the mating pull. A way to make her love them without forcing her into a relationship.

They had to be smart about this. One wrong move and they never see her again.

And they would not let that happen.

David continued his thoughts and let out a sigh.

"..she has too..she doesn't have a choice...whether she thinks she does or not.."



Wake up Angel...

I slowly regain consciousness and let out a small moan. My eyes flutter open and I'm not in my bedroom.

I sit up and look around. It was the cave from my dream. My mouth feels dry and my heart beat stops.

Sitting on the couch was Marko and Paul. They notice I'm awake and smile brightly. They hop off the couch and sit on the ground next to the fountain.

Dwayne is sitting beside me, right where I laid my head on the pillow. David was sitting in a black wheelchair.

In his hands was the bottle. My face becomes pale and it's getting harder to breath.

"Hi little one...

...theres something we need to discuss."

(1042 words)

(hope u enjoy lovelies 💕)

(hopefully u see this)

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